Program ’20
Tuesday 18 August
Mario Draghi, former President BCE. Introduced by Bernhard Scholz, President of the Meeting for Friendship Amongst Peoples Foundation.
Fernanda Bastiani, General Practitioner, Provincial Secretary SIMG; Giorgio Moretti, CEO Dedalus; Marco Trivelli, General Director for Healthcare of Lombardy Region; Ciro Verdoliva, Director ASL1 Naples. Introduced by Camillo Rossi, Medical Director at ASST Spedali Civili in Brescia.It is inevitable to revise the organisational settings of future healthcare models - in a world where infinite needs have to be fulfilled with limited resources the challenge is to keep protecting the weakest thanks to new technologies and by building an always healthier society.
Luca Argentero, Actor; Francesco Arlanch, Screenwriter; Laura Cotta Ramosino, Producer. Introduced by Beppe Musicco, Journalist of Sentieri del Cinema.Discovering the world of TV series and why they are so appealing. A conversation to analyse the always greater success of TV and serial narrative, that boomed especially thanks to the new digital platforms. Everywhere people of all ages have been captivated by stories capable of stirring their interest for such a long time. We all fell for characters embodying the concerns and the complexity of our time. A conversation among screenwriters and actors, who are, first of all, passionate viewers, just like us, wishing to get closer to the heart of these stories.
In collaboration with Seingim and E-Distribuzione
Mario Abbadessa, CEO of Hines Italy; Marco Alverà, CEO of Snam; Luigi Benatti, Architect Partner Studio TECO+; Marco Bucci, Mayor of Genova; Andrea Gibelli, President of FNM Group; Vincenzo Ranieri, CEO of E-Distribuzione. Moderated by Guido Bardelli, President of Cdo.For a few years now, urban regeneration has been a key topic in the debate about the future of our cities. In the future urban development could not and should not be carried out by using new soil but by renewing the existing urban fabric, which is often made of old and polluting buildings that are unsuitable for the new ways of living and working in our cities. The pandemic made this whole rebuilding process, that implies also the quality of public spaces and infrastructures, even more pressing. It is crucial to turn this crisis into an opportunity to discuss about the quality of life in our cities.
Giuseppe Frangi, President of Giovanni Testori Association. Introduced by Letizia Bardazzi, President of Associazione Italiana Centri Culturali.
Which are the forms and shapes taken by art today in order to explore the sublime? The path of many artists of our time is marked by an extremism expressing the desire to experience the beyond and shape it in a form capable of evoking it to oneself and the people of our time. It is an open road, even though characterized by the scars of many failures. This encounter is meant to be a journey through the works documenting these ongoing great attempts, made by living artists even in such a self-contained age.
Which are the forms and shapes taken by art today in order to explore the sublime? The path of many artists of our time is marked by an extremism expressing the desire to experience the beyond and shape it in a form capable of evoking it to oneself and the people of our time. It is an open road, even though characterized by the scars of many failures. This encounter is meant to be a journey through the works documenting these ongoing great attempts, made by living artists even in such a self-contained age.
In collaboration with Camplus
Scott F. Gilbert, Emeritus Howard A. Schneiderman Professor of Biology, Swarthmore College. Introduced by Giorgio Dieci, Professor of Biochemistry at the University of Parma.The multiplicity of life forms populating the Earth is a proof of the extraordinary creativity embedded in evolutionary processes. Scott Gilbert is a world renown biologist and science historian, who brought an innovative vision of the common history of the living, in which cooperative interactions play a key role. This conversation with him will let us understand the deeply rational and dynamic nature of living beings and how their complementarity is a source of endless new possibilities.
Talk Show Live edited by Fondazione per la Sussidiarietà in collaboration with ASviS, CDP- Cassa Depositi e Prestiti and Fondazione Symbola.
Among others, speeches from: Enrico Giovannini, Spokeperson ASviS; Ermete Realacci Fondazione Symbola; Chiara Saraceno, Sociologist; Elisabetta Soglio, Managing Director “Buone Notizie” weekly journal from Corriere della Sera; Luciano Violante President Emeritus of Italian House of Representatives; Nadia Urbinati, Political Scientist, Columbia University. Introduced by Massimo Bernardini and Enrico Castelli.
Among others, speeches from: Enrico Giovannini, Spokeperson ASviS; Ermete Realacci Fondazione Symbola; Chiara Saraceno, Sociologist; Elisabetta Soglio, Managing Director “Buone Notizie” weekly journal from Corriere della Sera; Luciano Violante President Emeritus of Italian House of Representatives; Nadia Urbinati, Political Scientist, Columbia University. Introduced by Massimo Bernardini and Enrico Castelli.
THE EMBRACE. Towards a Culture of Encounter
Mikel Azurmendi, Philosopher, Anthropologist, Writer. Interviewed by Fernando De Haro, Journalist.Mikel Azurmendi was professor at Sorbona University and Pays Basco University. Philosopher, Anthropologist, writer. He was one of the founders of ETA terroristic group eventually becoming one of its most resolute and incisive critics. He has published in Italian “L’ Abbraccio” . The book contains a study on the Spanish community of Communion and Liberation. The author through his pages surpasses the narrow method imposed by academic sociology and enter in person into the life of a group of people toward which he develops a growing admiration.
Fëdor M. Dostoevskij
Video production based on Mario Sala’s show “The dream of a ridiculous man”, produced by Teatro Out Off in Milan and translated by Fausto Malcovati. In collaboration with Tat’jana Kasatkina and Elena Mazzola, Scholé editors of the recent edition “The dream of a ridiculous man and other tales from A Writer’s Diary”. With the participation of students from Modena and Moscow who attended seminars about the work on the text organized by the association Il mondo parla. Introduction to the show by Tat’jana Kasatkina, Director of the Centre for research “Dostoevskij e la Cultura mondiale” (Dostoevskij and World Culture) at the Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Translation and dramaturgy by Fausto Malcovati and Mario Sala With Mario Sala Video direction by Lorenzo Loris and Stefano Sgarella Assistant director Davide Pinardi Screenplay by Daniela Gardinazzi Costumes Nicoletta Ceccolini Light and sound Luigi Chiaramonte Movement assistant Barbara Geiger Artistic intervention in the poster by Giovanni Franzi
Video production based on Mario Sala’s show “The dream of a ridiculous man”, produced by Teatro Out Off in Milan and translated by Fausto Malcovati. In collaboration with Tat’jana Kasatkina and Elena Mazzola, Scholé editors of the recent edition “The dream of a ridiculous man and other tales from A Writer’s Diary”. With the participation of students from Modena and Moscow who attended seminars about the work on the text organized by the association Il mondo parla. Introduction to the show by Tat’jana Kasatkina, Director of the Centre for research “Dostoevskij e la Cultura mondiale” (Dostoevskij and World Culture) at the Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Translation and dramaturgy by Fausto Malcovati and Mario Sala With Mario Sala Video direction by Lorenzo Loris and Stefano Sgarella Assistant director Davide Pinardi Screenplay by Daniela Gardinazzi Costumes Nicoletta Ceccolini Light and sound Luigi Chiaramonte Movement assistant Barbara Geiger Artistic intervention in the poster by Giovanni Franzi
Wednesday 19 August
In collaboration with Randstad
Gian Carlo Blangiardo, President of ISTAT; Marco Ceresa, CEO of Randstad Italy; Marco Hannappel, President and CEO Philip Morris Italia; Alessandro Profumo, CEO of Leonardo; Marco Travaglia, Presidente and CEO of Nestlè italiana. Introduced by Michele Brambilla, Director of QN-Quotidiano Nazionale
In just a few days smart working has become extremely familiar and has radically changed the traditional way of working. Which have been the consequences? And more importantly, what mark will all this leave? Time optimization, reduction in mobility costs and its effects on the environment and on traffic congestion? These elements are potentially able to improve personal life, use of resources and environmental health. But what are going to be the consequences on professional relationships? How will work organization and company management change?
Gian Carlo Blangiardo, President of ISTAT; Marco Ceresa, CEO of Randstad Italy; Marco Hannappel, President and CEO Philip Morris Italia; Alessandro Profumo, CEO of Leonardo; Marco Travaglia, Presidente and CEO of Nestlè italiana. Introduced by Michele Brambilla, Director of QN-Quotidiano Nazionale
In just a few days smart working has become extremely familiar and has radically changed the traditional way of working. Which have been the consequences? And more importantly, what mark will all this leave? Time optimization, reduction in mobility costs and its effects on the environment and on traffic congestion? These elements are potentially able to improve personal life, use of resources and environmental health. But what are going to be the consequences on professional relationships? How will work organization and company management change?
In collaboration with Camplus
Giorgio Dieci, Professor of Biochemistry at the University of Parma. Introduced by Tommaso Bellini, Professor of Applied Physics at the University of Milan.
The huge progress in biological sciences is revealing an extraordinary complex material organization that all living beings share, from unicellular bacteria to human beings. At the same time life is a state that we experience marked by a deeply relational nature. The meaning of metabolism, the many forms and functions of protein macromolecules, their production based on information and meanings can be perceived in a new light through just through the prism of drama and beauty of our being alive.
Giorgio Dieci, Professor of Biochemistry at the University of Parma. Introduced by Tommaso Bellini, Professor of Applied Physics at the University of Milan.
The huge progress in biological sciences is revealing an extraordinary complex material organization that all living beings share, from unicellular bacteria to human beings. At the same time life is a state that we experience marked by a deeply relational nature. The meaning of metabolism, the many forms and functions of protein macromolecules, their production based on information and meanings can be perceived in a new light through just through the prism of drama and beauty of our being alive.
Filippo Anelli President of FNOMCeO (Professional Association of Physicians Surgeons and Dentists of Italy); Lucio Corsaro General Director MEDI-PRAGMA srl; Lorenzo Mantovani Director of CESP; Center of Research in Public Health, University Milano-Bicocca; Filomena Maggino, Professor of Social Statistics at the Sapienza University of Rome, Expert at the Prime Minister Office – Italian Government. Introduced by Riccardo Zagaria, CEO DOC generici srl.The present scenario shows data of a dramatic decrease of patients accesses to territorial and specialistic medicine since the start of pandemia till last weeks. What sort of effect had and is having not curing? What are possible solutions and what is physicians point of view? What is the pharma industry role in the present pandemia? What is the state of art of vaccine development? Authoritative members of scientific world are going to explain why is so decisive for one’s and neighbor health getting back to one’s care.
In collaboration with Generali
Patrick J. Deneen, Professor of Political Science at University of Notre Dame; Luciano Violante, Emeritus President of the Italian Chamber of Deputies. Introduced by Andrea Simoncini, Vice President of the Meeting for Friendship Amongst Peoples Foundation, Full Professor of Constitutional Law at the University of Florence.
Democratic systems find themselves confronted with a series of challenges that go beyond methodological questions, but concern substance. There exists a widespread accusation that, beyond appearances, politics is increasingly run by self-referential elites who exist in contrast with new models of representation. At the same time, there is a demand from growing segments of populations for more authoritative governments, endowed with greater powers to confront problems arising at the social and economic levels. These and several other trends are often contradictory to each other, but share the common denominator of a lack of faith in representative democracy as it was developed in the post-war period. A dialogue on the real and perceived problems and opportunities of representative democracy has become more necessary than ever.
Patrick J. Deneen, Professor of Political Science at University of Notre Dame; Luciano Violante, Emeritus President of the Italian Chamber of Deputies. Introduced by Andrea Simoncini, Vice President of the Meeting for Friendship Amongst Peoples Foundation, Full Professor of Constitutional Law at the University of Florence.
Democratic systems find themselves confronted with a series of challenges that go beyond methodological questions, but concern substance. There exists a widespread accusation that, beyond appearances, politics is increasingly run by self-referential elites who exist in contrast with new models of representation. At the same time, there is a demand from growing segments of populations for more authoritative governments, endowed with greater powers to confront problems arising at the social and economic levels. These and several other trends are often contradictory to each other, but share the common denominator of a lack of faith in representative democracy as it was developed in the post-war period. A dialogue on the real and perceived problems and opportunities of representative democracy has become more necessary than ever.
In collaboration with Aci, Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane and Enel
Marco Brun, CEO Shell Italia; Massimo Bruno, Head of Sostenibility and Institutional Affairs Italy Enel; Ermete Realacci, President of Fondazione Symbola; Paolo Vestrucci, CEO Nier ingegneria spa. Introduced by Emmanuele Forlani, Director of the Meeting for Friendship Amongst Peoples Foundation.
“Facing the climate crisis with courage is not only necessary but it is also a great opportunity to bring our economy and our society to a more human scale and therefore to make them more future-oriented. It is a huge challenge requiring the contribution of the best technological, institutional, political, social and cultural energies. Everyone’s support is needed. In 2008 only specialized magazines talked about circular economy, today Italy is the European country with highest share of waste recycling (urban, industrial, etc.): 79%. In the Italian economy the use of secondary materials resulting from this recycling leads a potential saving of 21 million tons of oil equivalent and 58 million tons of CO2: equal to 12.5% of the domestic demand for energy and 14.6% of emissions”. (extract from the Symbola and Unioncamere Manifesto).
Marco Brun, CEO Shell Italia; Massimo Bruno, Head of Sostenibility and Institutional Affairs Italy Enel; Ermete Realacci, President of Fondazione Symbola; Paolo Vestrucci, CEO Nier ingegneria spa. Introduced by Emmanuele Forlani, Director of the Meeting for Friendship Amongst Peoples Foundation.
“Facing the climate crisis with courage is not only necessary but it is also a great opportunity to bring our economy and our society to a more human scale and therefore to make them more future-oriented. It is a huge challenge requiring the contribution of the best technological, institutional, political, social and cultural energies. Everyone’s support is needed. In 2008 only specialized magazines talked about circular economy, today Italy is the European country with highest share of waste recycling (urban, industrial, etc.): 79%. In the Italian economy the use of secondary materials resulting from this recycling leads a potential saving of 21 million tons of oil equivalent and 58 million tons of CO2: equal to 12.5% of the domestic demand for energy and 14.6% of emissions”. (extract from the Symbola and Unioncamere Manifesto).
Theo Boer, Lindeboom Professor of Health Care Ethics at Kampen Theological University; Elvira Parravicini, Director of the Neonatal Comfort Care Program and Associate Professor of Pediatrics at Columbia University Medical Center; Antonio Pesenti, Department of Anesthesia-Rianimation at the Polyclinic of Milan. Introduced by Marco Maltoni, Director of the Unit of Palliative Cares, Forlì and Medicina e Persona Association.“What is man that You are mindful of him?”. This is the underlying question, usually asked by people to other people, of the testimonies of three care professionals, apparently dealing in their daily lives with very different situations but all related to the main purpose of healthcare: taking care of every single moment in a person’s life. They will talk about themselves: - the international promoter of comfort care, neonatal palliative care for babies, whose life expectancy is extremely short, and their families; - the head of the I.C.U. network of Lombardy region and beyond who, during the Coronavirus crisis, did is best to admit to I.C.U. the largest number of patients in the most suitable way; - a major member of the Dutch Ministerial Commission dealing with the processing and execution of euthanasia requests, who resigned when he realized that euthanasia, even though at first he considered it as a possible “last resort solution”, had become the default way to die. Personal, painful, unpredictable, bleeding pathways sharing a common trait: being personally open towards others, to mystery and, for many, to the Mystery.
José Ángel González Sainz, Writer interviewed by Fernando De Haro, Journalist.This session is part of a series of three video interviews with José Ángel González Sainz, Maurizio Maggiani e Cornel West-Robert George. These interviews were recorded in the places where the guests live and work in order to try to discover their relationship to reality and to delve into the questions resulting from this relationship, especially in a moment that is so extreme for all humanity. Is it possible to move from a closed and rigid ideology to a rediscovery of reality as an opportunity and as a calling? Who are the people – teachers and friends – who can provide support during this human adventure, without distracting from the essential questions, and instead continuously reawakening them thanks to their presence? Finally, which contribution can an author make to the reconstruction using the tools of his trade? The title is based upon the lyrics of a famous song by Bob Dylan, “Floater”, «Sometimes somebody wants you to give something up / And tears or not, it’s too much to ask».
In collaboration with Intesa Sanpaolo
Joseph Weiler, University Professor at NYU Law School and Senior Fellow at the Center for European studies at Harvard. Introduced by Bernhard Scholz, President of the Meeting for Friendship Amongst Peoples Foundation.
The title of this year’s Meeting, “Devoid of wonder, we remain deaf to the sublime”, is a quote by the Jewish philosopher Abraham Joshua Heschel (1907 Warsaw 1907- New York 1972) who invites us to look at reality with an amazement that opens up the way for the research of the sublime, of the meaning of things, of the meaning of living. As we speak we want to encourage the very many people who are “devoid of wonder” right now, to follow up this invitation and let them be guided by Professor Joseph Weiler, who has already graciously joined the Meeting several times, sharing his thoughts about justice and freedom as well as his interpretations of the Bible and his insights on Hebraism.
Joseph Weiler, University Professor at NYU Law School and Senior Fellow at the Center for European studies at Harvard. Introduced by Bernhard Scholz, President of the Meeting for Friendship Amongst Peoples Foundation.
The title of this year’s Meeting, “Devoid of wonder, we remain deaf to the sublime”, is a quote by the Jewish philosopher Abraham Joshua Heschel (1907 Warsaw 1907- New York 1972) who invites us to look at reality with an amazement that opens up the way for the research of the sublime, of the meaning of things, of the meaning of living. As we speak we want to encourage the very many people who are “devoid of wonder” right now, to follow up this invitation and let them be guided by Professor Joseph Weiler, who has already graciously joined the Meeting several times, sharing his thoughts about justice and freedom as well as his interpretations of the Bible and his insights on Hebraism.
Talk Show Live edited by Fondazione per la Sussidiarietà in collaboration with ASviS, CDP- Cassa Depositi e Prestiti and Fondazione Symbola.
Among others, speeches from: Stefano Barrese, Head Manager “Banca dei Territori” Division of Intesa San Paolo, Luigi Campiglio Economist, “Sacro Cuore” Catholic University; Enrico Giovannini, speaker ASviS; Giuseppe Folloni, Economist, Trento University; Franca Maino Head manager of the “Laboratorio Percorsi di Secondo Welfare, Researcher at “Scienze Sociali e Politiche” Department at Milano University; Alberto Mingardi Director “Bruno Leoni” Institute. Introduced by Massimo Bernardini and Enrico Castelli.
Costantino Esposito, Full Professor of History of Philosophy at the University of Bari; Luciano Floridi Professor of Philosophy and Ethics of Information at the University of Oxford (Oxford Internet Institute). Introduced by Davide Perillo, Editor-in-chief of Traces Magazine.For months the lockdown has forced us to shift our life to the digital level. Luciano Floridi has been talking about the concept of “onlife” for a while, the idea of combining both the “online” and the “offline” dimensions, both the digital and the analogic levels. During these months the importance of meaningful relationships, of enjoying the physical presence and not the virtual one (as on social media), has become a key element of awareness on which to base our present and lay the foundations of our future.
Massimo Bernardini, with the simultaneous lightness and depth that only music can offer, conducts a dialogue of analysis and comparison on one of the most difficult years of the 21st century.
In dialogue with him will be Brunori SAS, winner of the Targa Tenco 2020, Francesco Gabbani, winner of Sanremo 2016 (new artists) and 2017, and Malika Ayane, one of the most cultured and esteemed female voices of the last decade.
Alongside the three singer-songwriters, all artists on the album “Note di viaggio”, there will be contributions by Michele Brambilla, editorial director of the national newspaper Il Resto del carlino and Cardinal Matteo Maria Zuppi, Archbishop of Bologna, for a tribute to Francesco Guccini on the occasion of his 80th birthday.
In dialogue with him will be Brunori SAS, winner of the Targa Tenco 2020, Francesco Gabbani, winner of Sanremo 2016 (new artists) and 2017, and Malika Ayane, one of the most cultured and esteemed female voices of the last decade.
Alongside the three singer-songwriters, all artists on the album “Note di viaggio”, there will be contributions by Michele Brambilla, editorial director of the national newspaper Il Resto del carlino and Cardinal Matteo Maria Zuppi, Archbishop of Bologna, for a tribute to Francesco Guccini on the occasion of his 80th birthday.
Thursday 20 August
In collaboration with Italian Parlamentary Intergroup for Subsidiarity.
Ferruccio De Bortoli President of “Longanesi” Publisher and Association”Vidas”; Giorgio De Rita “CENSIS” General Secretary; Maria Stella Gelmini Head of Deputees of Forza Italia Party at Italian House of Representatives; Giancarlo Giorgetti Federal Under Secretary of “Lega” party, Deputy at Italian House of Representatives; Maurizio Lupi, President of Intergroup for Subsidiarity; Simona Malpezzi Undersecretary of State for Relatioships with Parliament PD-Democratic Party; Fabio Rampelli, Vice President of the Italian Chamber of Deputees; Gabriele Toccafondi Deputy at Italian House of Representatives, “Italia Viva” party. Introducing Tommaso Agasisti Professor of Public Management at “Politecnico di Milano”Education and training have always been two sectors in which the intergroup for subsidiarity has been committed. In the last year, two legislative proposals have been presented. One for the experimentation of the teaching of non-cognitive skills in middle schools and one for the training of human capital by companies. The covid 19 emergency has (if it was still necessary) demonstrated the centrality of education and training for the life and development of a country. History showed that after the major crises, whether it was a war, an epidemic or a collapse of the economy, education and training were the investments that built a lasting reconstruction. It is not just about schools and their autonomy, it is about encouraging and supporting the free initiatives that are born in society at every level, because education is a permanent fact.
In collaboration with Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Italian Footballers' Association and Sky Sport
Emanuela Claudia Del Re, Viceminister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation; Alessandro Del Piero, Former Juventus and Italian national football team player, pundit for sky Sport Italia; Sara Gama, Captain of Italy's women soccer team; Giampaolo Silvestri, General Secretary of AVSI Foundation; Damiano Tommasi, AIC - Italian Footballers' Association; Simone Perrotta, AIC - Italian Footballers' Association. Introduced by Federico Ferri, Director of Sky Sport.Cooperazione Italiana and AIC, with technical partner AVSI, come together to spread the values and principles of sport through football and cooperation. The “AIC educational model”–based on social inclusion and the correct (and happy) psychophysical growth of boys and girls, and already successfully trailed in Uganda with AVSI–has been exported to Jordan by Cooperazione Italiana. The protagonists of this journey speak of their work in the Cooperazione Italiana team to realize #ourgoals
Domenico Arcuri CEO Invitalia and COVID Commissioner in dialogue with Giorgio Vittadini President of Fondazione per la Sussidiarietà. Among others, speeches from Enrico Giovannini speaker ASviS; Giuseppe Ippolito, Scientific Director of National Institute of Infectious Disease “Lazzaro Spallanzani” IRCCS, Rome, Franco Locatelli President of the Italian National Council of Health; Alberto Vacchi, President of IMA
In collaboration with Intesa Sanpaolo, Eni, Generali and Leonardo
Invited speaker Paolo Gentiloni, European Commissioner for Economy. Participants: Luigi Gubitosi, CEO and General Manager of TIM; Ettore Prandini, National President of Coldiretti; Marco Sesana, CEO of Generali Italia. Introduced by Bernhard Scholz, President of the Meeting for Friendship Amongst Peoples Foundation.
The pandemic provoked an unprecedented economic slump in Europe. The initiatives of the European Central Bank and the European Commission are meant to support the recovery by looking at new generations. Which impact will these initiatives have on the economy of the EU in general and in particular on Italy, in the short, medium and long term? Will there be a recovery in line with the Green New Deal announced before Covid 19? The conversation with the EU Commissioner for Economic Affairs Paolo Gentiloni will be focused on one main big question: will a new, more sustainable and socially inclusive economy result from this crisis?
Invited speaker Paolo Gentiloni, European Commissioner for Economy. Participants: Luigi Gubitosi, CEO and General Manager of TIM; Ettore Prandini, National President of Coldiretti; Marco Sesana, CEO of Generali Italia. Introduced by Bernhard Scholz, President of the Meeting for Friendship Amongst Peoples Foundation.
The pandemic provoked an unprecedented economic slump in Europe. The initiatives of the European Central Bank and the European Commission are meant to support the recovery by looking at new generations. Which impact will these initiatives have on the economy of the EU in general and in particular on Italy, in the short, medium and long term? Will there be a recovery in line with the Green New Deal announced before Covid 19? The conversation with the EU Commissioner for Economic Affairs Paolo Gentiloni will be focused on one main big question: will a new, more sustainable and socially inclusive economy result from this crisis?
In collaboration with Aci and Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane
Gianfranco Battisti, CEO and General Manager of Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane Spa; Sergio Emidio Bini, Councillor for Productive Activities and Tourism of the Friuli Venezia Giulia region; Andrea Corsini, Councillor for mobility, transports, infrastructures, tourism and business of Emilia Romagna region; Paola De Micheli, Italian Minister of Infrastructure and Transport; Giorgio Palmucci, President of ENIT; Angelo Sticchi Damiani, President of ACI; Girolamo Turano, Councilor for Productive Activities of Siciliana Region. Introduced by Emmanuele Forlani, Director of the Meeting for Friendship Amongst Peoples Foundation.
For the last few years the Meeting has been devoting a growing level of attention to mobility issues. Over the last decades unprecedented changes have occurred, both in terms of impact and of speed. The pandemic that has violently and strongly hit the planet has frozen mobility, as well as tourism. What kind of recovery will see the day? Which will be the future models for mobility and tourism? Will this be an opportunity to go back to local tourism? How will mobility "to and from" large cities will change? Will commuters travel by their own means or by public transport? How will public transport evolve?
Gianfranco Battisti, CEO and General Manager of Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane Spa; Sergio Emidio Bini, Councillor for Productive Activities and Tourism of the Friuli Venezia Giulia region; Andrea Corsini, Councillor for mobility, transports, infrastructures, tourism and business of Emilia Romagna region; Paola De Micheli, Italian Minister of Infrastructure and Transport; Giorgio Palmucci, President of ENIT; Angelo Sticchi Damiani, President of ACI; Girolamo Turano, Councilor for Productive Activities of Siciliana Region. Introduced by Emmanuele Forlani, Director of the Meeting for Friendship Amongst Peoples Foundation.
For the last few years the Meeting has been devoting a growing level of attention to mobility issues. Over the last decades unprecedented changes have occurred, both in terms of impact and of speed. The pandemic that has violently and strongly hit the planet has frozen mobility, as well as tourism. What kind of recovery will see the day? Which will be the future models for mobility and tourism? Will this be an opportunity to go back to local tourism? How will mobility "to and from" large cities will change? Will commuters travel by their own means or by public transport? How will public transport evolve?
Eugenio Borgna, Emeritus Head Physician at the Ospedale Maggiore of Novara, academic and essayist; Umberto Galimberti, Philosopher, sociologist, psychoanalyst, academic and journalist. Introduced by Costantino Esposito, Full Professor of History of Philosophy at the University of Bari.After the publication of his autobiography “Il fiume della vita. Una storia interiore” [The river of life. An inner story], the great master of Italian psychiatry, Eugenio Borgna comes back to the Meeting, while his student, philosopher and psychoanalyst Umberto Galimberti, joins it for the very first time. An unprecedented consideration of the challenges of living today.
SUBSIDIARITY AND… SUSTAINABLE FINANCE. Presentation of the annual report of the Foundation for Subsidiarity
In collaboration with Intesa Sanpaolo
Presentation of the report by: Alberto Brugnoli, University of Bergamo, Scientific Director of of the Foundation for Subsidiarity and Luca Erzegovesi, Professor of Banking and Corporate finance and Deputy Director at the Department of Economics and Management at the University of Trento. Participants: Giovanni Fosti, President of Fondazione Cariplo; Marco Morganti, head of management at Impact at Intesa Sanpaolo Group; Fabrizio Palermo, CEO and General Manager of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti; Fabio Pompei, CEO of Deloitte Italy.
How is finance reacting to the damage caused by the Covid-19 pandemic? Under pressure from this new crisis, the world of finance is called to consider the currents that led it to the great crisis of 2008. Today, more than ever, we must urgently understand how finance’s relationship with the real economy is changing, and what its contribution to sustainable development can be. Furthermore, we must consider its relationship to everyday basic realities, and how sensitive it is to a subsidiary culture. These are some of the topics to which the new Subsidiarity Foundation report is dedicated.
Presentation of the report by: Alberto Brugnoli, University of Bergamo, Scientific Director of of the Foundation for Subsidiarity and Luca Erzegovesi, Professor of Banking and Corporate finance and Deputy Director at the Department of Economics and Management at the University of Trento. Participants: Giovanni Fosti, President of Fondazione Cariplo; Marco Morganti, head of management at Impact at Intesa Sanpaolo Group; Fabrizio Palermo, CEO and General Manager of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti; Fabio Pompei, CEO of Deloitte Italy.
How is finance reacting to the damage caused by the Covid-19 pandemic? Under pressure from this new crisis, the world of finance is called to consider the currents that led it to the great crisis of 2008. Today, more than ever, we must urgently understand how finance’s relationship with the real economy is changing, and what its contribution to sustainable development can be. Furthermore, we must consider its relationship to everyday basic realities, and how sensitive it is to a subsidiary culture. These are some of the topics to which the new Subsidiarity Foundation report is dedicated.
In collaboration with Intesa Sanpaolo and Leonardo
Participation of David Sassoli, President of the European Parliament. Greeting speech by Luca Beccari Secretary of Foreign Affairs, International Economic Cooperation and Telecommunications for San Marino Republic. Introduced by Bernhard Scholz, President of the Meeting for Friendship Amongst Peoples Foundation.
Participation of David Sassoli, President of the European Parliament. Greeting speech by Luca Beccari Secretary of Foreign Affairs, International Economic Cooperation and Telecommunications for San Marino Republic. Introduced by Bernhard Scholz, President of the Meeting for Friendship Amongst Peoples Foundation.
Talk Show Live edited by Fondazione per la Sussidiarietà in collaboration with ASviS, CDP- Cassa Depositi e Prestiti and Fondazione Symbola.
Among others, speeches from: Mario Abbadessa, CEO Hines Italy; Andrea Baccarelli Head department of Enviromental Health Sciences, Columbia University; Andrea Bellavia Researcher in Enviromental Statistics, Harvard University, Enrico Giovannini speaker ASviS; Carlin Petrini Founder of “Slow Food”; Ermete Realacci President of Fondazione Symbola; Filippo Santoro Archibishop of Taranto; Yasmin Von Schirnding, Professor of Enviromental Health Sciences, Columbia University. Introduced by Massimo Bernardini and Enrico Castelli.
Among others, speeches from: Mario Abbadessa, CEO Hines Italy; Andrea Baccarelli Head department of Enviromental Health Sciences, Columbia University; Andrea Bellavia Researcher in Enviromental Statistics, Harvard University, Enrico Giovannini speaker ASviS; Carlin Petrini Founder of “Slow Food”; Ermete Realacci President of Fondazione Symbola; Filippo Santoro Archibishop of Taranto; Yasmin Von Schirnding, Professor of Enviromental Health Sciences, Columbia University. Introduced by Massimo Bernardini and Enrico Castelli.
Julián Carrón, President of the Communion and Liberation Fraternity. Introduced by Bernhard Scholz, President of the Meeting for Friendship Amongst Peoples Foundation.When circumstances are unfavourable, you start hoping fora better future, projecting your own expectations into a desired but essentially uncertain change. Such hope often ends up in disappointment, resignation, violence or more sophisticated new projections. So, is there a kind of hope that does not exclusively depend on more favourable circumstances, which does not need to escape difficulties but which has the strength to face reality as it is and to trigger from the inside a dynamic aimed at a more beautiful and freer life?
IMF – A story of wonder – 28 years of music and friendship in Europe.
Webinar hosted by Markus Lentz, President of IMF, and Giovanni Grandi, coordinator IMF.
It will be showed the results of the studies and research carried out by the professors of International Musical Friendship with more than 100 young musicians from Germany, Poland, Russia, Latvia, Austria, Switzerland, Italy.
It will be showed the results of the studies and research carried out by the professors of International Musical Friendship with more than 100 young musicians from Germany, Poland, Russia, Latvia, Austria, Switzerland, Italy.
Concert in cooperation with Spirto Gentil
Pierpaolo Bellini, curator of the Spirto Gentil series, guides viewers to discover two sonnets for piano by L.V Beethoven, “The Tempest” and “The Farewells”, performed by Master Giulio Giurato.
Pierpaolo Bellini, curator of the Spirto Gentil series, guides viewers to discover two sonnets for piano by L.V Beethoven, “The Tempest” and “The Farewells”, performed by Master Giulio Giurato.
Friday 21 August
Attilio Fontana, President of Lombardy Region; Nello Musumeci, Presidente Sicilian Region. Introduced by Sabina Nuti, Rector of Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna (Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies). Moderated by Gianluca Comin, President and Founder of Comin & Partners.With the explosion of the pandemic, there exploded another problem: management of the healthcare system. Infectious diseases such as Covid-19 recognize no national or international borders, and cannot be handled by 20 independent and self-referential healthcare systems. On the other hand, the idea of implementing centralized top-down management would lead to inefficiency, a lack of flexibility, and an inability to read the situation. This problem extends beyond Covid-19, becoming a general public concern, particularly if one thinks that a large portion of regional expenditure goes towards healthcare. What are the future prospects of this issue? We discuss with some of the institutional protagonists, regional presidents.
In collaboration with Camplus
Enzo Tramontano, Professor of Microbiology and Virology at University of Cagliari. Introduced by Andrea Caprotti, Student of Physics at University of Milan.
Viruses are living entities that, upon entering a host cell, take possession of it and exploit it to replicate themselves, in some cases leading to the death of the infected cell and also of the entire host organism. But where do viruses come from? How can they be blocked? Do they play a role in the ecosystem of our planet? Did they evolve with us or did we evolve with them?
Enzo Tramontano, Professor of Microbiology and Virology at University of Cagliari. Introduced by Andrea Caprotti, Student of Physics at University of Milan.
Viruses are living entities that, upon entering a host cell, take possession of it and exploit it to replicate themselves, in some cases leading to the death of the infected cell and also of the entire host organism. But where do viruses come from? How can they be blocked? Do they play a role in the ecosystem of our planet? Did they evolve with us or did we evolve with them?
In collaboration with Foundation for Subsidiarity and Università Cattolica
Paul Barach, Professor Wayne State University e Lecturer Thomas Jefferson University; Luis Eugenio de Souza, Professor of Puclic Health at University of Bahia; Walter Ricciardi, Vice President World Federation of Public Health Associations. Introduce Giorgio Vittadini, President of the Foundation for Subsidiarity. Moderated by Luigi Cammi, Meeting Salute.
The challenge posed to humanity by Covid-19 is still present. We seek a vaccine, or at least a cure which would limit the damage the disease can cause. In the meantime, a significant debate is underway on the future of different worldwide healthcare systems. How must they change to best protect their citizens? How can they be financed? How can their clinical and epidemiological components best be integrated? How should an international control room be configured? What are the respective roles of medicine and hospitals in any given area? These are some of the questions which will be considered in this debate between international experts in the field.
Paul Barach, Professor Wayne State University e Lecturer Thomas Jefferson University; Luis Eugenio de Souza, Professor of Puclic Health at University of Bahia; Walter Ricciardi, Vice President World Federation of Public Health Associations. Introduce Giorgio Vittadini, President of the Foundation for Subsidiarity. Moderated by Luigi Cammi, Meeting Salute.
The challenge posed to humanity by Covid-19 is still present. We seek a vaccine, or at least a cure which would limit the damage the disease can cause. In the meantime, a significant debate is underway on the future of different worldwide healthcare systems. How must they change to best protect their citizens? How can they be financed? How can their clinical and epidemiological components best be integrated? How should an international control room be configured? What are the respective roles of medicine and hospitals in any given area? These are some of the questions which will be considered in this debate between international experts in the field.
In collaboration with Intesa Sanpaolo, Eni and Enel
Gigi de Palo, President of Forum of Family Associations; Vito Grassi, Vice president of Confindutria; Roberto Gualtieri, Italian Ministers of Economy and Finance; Giorgio Merletti, President of Confartigianato; Luigi Sbarra, Deputy General Secretary of the Cisl Union. Introduced by Guido Bardelli, President of Cdo.
Restarting the Italian economy is a demanding challenge especially considering not only the deep and still partially open wound left by the 2008 crisis, but also the very high public debt already existing before the beginning of the pandemic. How do companies, together with trade unions, face the challenges of this restart, with national and international markets that are even more uncertain and unpredictable? Is it possible to seize this opportunity to generate a more sustainable economy? Will the new ways of working, which have been accelerated during the lockdown months, months of COVID-19 lockdown, be used as an opportunity even for families? And more generally: is the economy we are rebuilding really at the service of families and of future generations?
Gigi de Palo, President of Forum of Family Associations; Vito Grassi, Vice president of Confindutria; Roberto Gualtieri, Italian Ministers of Economy and Finance; Giorgio Merletti, President of Confartigianato; Luigi Sbarra, Deputy General Secretary of the Cisl Union. Introduced by Guido Bardelli, President of Cdo.
Restarting the Italian economy is a demanding challenge especially considering not only the deep and still partially open wound left by the 2008 crisis, but also the very high public debt already existing before the beginning of the pandemic. How do companies, together with trade unions, face the challenges of this restart, with national and international markets that are even more uncertain and unpredictable? Is it possible to seize this opportunity to generate a more sustainable economy? Will the new ways of working, which have been accelerated during the lockdown months, months of COVID-19 lockdown, be used as an opportunity even for families? And more generally: is the economy we are rebuilding really at the service of families and of future generations?
Leonardo Becchetti, Full Professor of Political Economy at University of Rome “Tor Vergata”; Alessio Mammi, Councillor for Agriculture of the Emilia Romagna Region; Andrea Valenziani, President of the InCampagna Network. Introduced by Camillo Gardini, President of the Agroindustrial Board."Voting with the wallet” is the intriguing message launched by economist Leonardo Becchetti. It is one of the possible attempts to conceive a new kind of political participation with a capital “P”, just to quote the famous words by Pope Francis. Citizens can go beyond their simply passive voting role, they can also play an active consumers’ role through their consumption habits. Citizens’ purchasing behaviours, their consumption or saving patterns can lead to an importation distinction of economically and socially responsible companies.
In collaboration with Università Cattolica
Angelino Alfano, President of Gruppo San Donato; Roberto Bernabei, President of Gemelli a Casa; Claudio Cricelli, President of SIMG; Roberto Speranza, Italian Minister of Health; Marco Trivelli, General Director for Healthcare of Lombardy Region. Introduced by Mattia Altini, Health Director of Ausl Romagna.
One of the most controversial debates arisen during the Covid-19 emergency was about the role of private healthcare. It has been said that the contribution of private healthcare in helping to cope the emergency was minimal, that it focused mostly on more profitable services. As it is often the case the debate was extended to the much broader issue of a mixed public-private healthcare model, within the national healthcare service. Under what conditions might a mixed public-private healthcare model serve the common good? This topic will be discussed with managerial representatives of both the public and private sectors.
Angelino Alfano, President of Gruppo San Donato; Roberto Bernabei, President of Gemelli a Casa; Claudio Cricelli, President of SIMG; Roberto Speranza, Italian Minister of Health; Marco Trivelli, General Director for Healthcare of Lombardy Region. Introduced by Mattia Altini, Health Director of Ausl Romagna.
One of the most controversial debates arisen during the Covid-19 emergency was about the role of private healthcare. It has been said that the contribution of private healthcare in helping to cope the emergency was minimal, that it focused mostly on more profitable services. As it is often the case the debate was extended to the much broader issue of a mixed public-private healthcare model, within the national healthcare service. Under what conditions might a mixed public-private healthcare model serve the common good? This topic will be discussed with managerial representatives of both the public and private sectors.
Maurizio Maggiani, Writer interviewed by Roberto Fontolan, Journalist.This session is part of a series of three video interviews with José Ángel González Sainz, Maurizio Maggiani e Cornel West-Robert George. These interviews were recorded in the places where the guests live and work in order to try to discover their relationship to reality and to delve into the questions resulting from this relationship, especially in a moment that is so extreme for all humanity. Is it possible to move from a closed and rigid ideology to a rediscovery of reality as an opportunity and as a calling? Who are the people – teachers and friends – who can provide support during this human adventure, without distracting from the essential questions, and instead continuously reawakening them thanks to their presence? Finally, which contribution can an author make to the reconstruction using the tools of his trade? The title is based upon the lyrics of a famous song by Bob Dylan, “Floater”, «Sometimes somebody wants you to give something up / And tears or not, it’s too much to ask».
In collaboration with Intergroup for Subsidiarity and SkyTg24
First Session: Luigi Di Maio, Minister for Foreign Affairs; Roberto Speranza, Minister of Health.
Second session: Maria Elena Boschi, Leader of Italia Viva in the Chamber of Deputies; Graziano Delrio, Leader of the Partito Democratico in the Chamber of Deputies; Maurizio Lupi, President of Intergroup for Subsidiarity; Giorgia Meloni, National President of Fratelli d’Italia; Matteo Salvini, National Secretary of Lega; Antonio Tajani, Vice President of Forza Italia. Introduced by Giorgio Vittadini, President of Foundation for Subsidiarity. Moderated by Giuseppe De Bellis, Director of SkyTg24.During the acute phase of the pandemic, there was a strong comeback of a major debate, which had already started in 2008/2009 if not even earlier: what is the role of the Parliament? Is the choice only between the simple approval of the government’s decisions and a too often quarrelsome opposition? Is it still conceivable a Parliament in which can coexist several views but which shares a common position on crucial issues that are relevant for the future of the whole country? Can we still imagine about meaningful and significant bills? Does the democratic debate still occur at its highest and most relevant form within the Parliament or has it shifted into media, social media and web platforms?
AFTER COVID #LETSMAKEANEWSTART. The self in action: Knowledge, Education, creativity
Talk Show Live edited by Fondazione per la Sussidiarietà in collaboration with ASviS, CDP- Cassa Depositi e Prestiti and Fondazione Symbola.
Among others, speeches from: Tommaso Agasisti Public management Professor, Politecnico di Milano; Enrico Giovannini, speaker ASviS; Giovanna Iannantuoni University Rector Milano-Bicocca; Adele Mucci, Silicon Valley Manager; Salvatore Rossi President of TIM; Andreas Schleicher Director of Education and Skill Department, OCSE; Antonella Sciarrone Alibrandi Deputy Rector and Professor of “Sacro Cuore” Catholic University; Francesco Seghezzi President of Fondazione Adapt. Introduced by Massimo Bernardini and Enrico Castelli.
Among others, speeches from: Tommaso Agasisti Public management Professor, Politecnico di Milano; Enrico Giovannini, speaker ASviS; Giovanna Iannantuoni University Rector Milano-Bicocca; Adele Mucci, Silicon Valley Manager; Salvatore Rossi President of TIM; Andreas Schleicher Director of Education and Skill Department, OCSE; Antonella Sciarrone Alibrandi Deputy Rector and Professor of “Sacro Cuore” Catholic University; Francesco Seghezzi President of Fondazione Adapt. Introduced by Massimo Bernardini and Enrico Castelli.
Maria Chiara Carrozza, Full Professor of Industrial Bioengineering, The Biorobotics Institute, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa; Sebastiano Fusco, Science fiction critic; Paolo Musso, Professor of Science and Science fiction at the University of Insubria. Introduced by Marco Bersanelli, Full Professor of Physics and Astrophysics at the University of Milan.Scientific progress has made it possible to turn many ideas that were once considered as impossible into reality, while others have been proved as totally inconsistent. Free from the limits of what is within our technological and even conceptual reach, science fiction can grasp deep questions affecting our present and our condition as human beings, through stories that connect with our relationship to the unknown, to immensity, to the future, to the danger, to what is "radically different". What is the relationship between science and science fiction? What is the secret of its charm?
IMF – A story of wonder – 28 years of music and friendship in Europe
Webinar hosted by Markus Lentz, President of IMF, and Giovanni Grandi, coordinator IMF.It will be showed the results of the studies and research carried out by the professors of International Musical Friendship with more than 100 young musicians from Germany, Poland, Russia, Latvia, Austria, Switzerland, Italy
To mark the centenary of Federico Fellini, the Meeting is preparing a big night to remember and discover the five-time Academy Award winner Master from Rimini. A tribute to the author of La Dolce Vita, Amarcord, La strada, I Vitelloni, through the voice of the artists who knew him and loved him, and who, because of him, decided to pursue a career in the world of cinema.The evening, organized in association with the film library and the Municipality of Rimini, will be hosted by the journalist Francesca Fabbri Fellini, the last heir of the Maestro, who is going to talk to guests such as Giuseppe Tornatore, Sergio Rubini, Nicola Piovani, Matteo Garrone, Pupi Avati, Emir Kusturica, Carlo Verdone and many more…
Saturday 22 August
In Collaboration with Gruppo Maggioli, Cassa Depositi Prestiti and SkyTg24
Invited speaker Sabino Cassese, Emeritus Judge of the Constitutional Court of Italy and Professor of Global Governance at the School of Government, LUISS Guido Carli. Stefano Bonaccini, President of Emilia-Romagna Region; Massimiliano Fedriga, President of Friuli Venezia Giulia Region; Maurizio Fugatti, President of the Autonomous Province of Trento; Jole Santelli, President of Calabria Region; Giovanni Toti, President of Liguria Region; Luca Zaia, President of Veneto Region. Introduced by Andrea Simoncini, Vice President of the Meeting for Friendship Amongst Peoples Foundation, Full Professor of Constitutional Law at the University of Florence. Moderated by Fabio Vitale, Journalist for SkyTg24.
In recent months–particularly following the health emergency–macroscopic tensions have reemerged in the State-regions relationship which require reflection, beginning with Article 5 of the constitution: “The Republic is one and indivisible. It recognizes and promotes local autonomies, and implements the fullest measure of administrative decentralization in those services which depend on the State”. If there exists in all political systems a “physiological” dialectic between centralized power and local autonomy, it cannot escape careful observation that even 50 years after the establishment of the Regions, a completely convincing approach has not yet been found. Even the reform of Article V of the Constitution in 2001 remained unfulfilled and left a gray area between federalism and centralism, without producing a coherent architecture capable of effectively serving the common good.
Invited speaker Sabino Cassese, Emeritus Judge of the Constitutional Court of Italy and Professor of Global Governance at the School of Government, LUISS Guido Carli. Stefano Bonaccini, President of Emilia-Romagna Region; Massimiliano Fedriga, President of Friuli Venezia Giulia Region; Maurizio Fugatti, President of the Autonomous Province of Trento; Jole Santelli, President of Calabria Region; Giovanni Toti, President of Liguria Region; Luca Zaia, President of Veneto Region. Introduced by Andrea Simoncini, Vice President of the Meeting for Friendship Amongst Peoples Foundation, Full Professor of Constitutional Law at the University of Florence. Moderated by Fabio Vitale, Journalist for SkyTg24.
In recent months–particularly following the health emergency–macroscopic tensions have reemerged in the State-regions relationship which require reflection, beginning with Article 5 of the constitution: “The Republic is one and indivisible. It recognizes and promotes local autonomies, and implements the fullest measure of administrative decentralization in those services which depend on the State”. If there exists in all political systems a “physiological” dialectic between centralized power and local autonomy, it cannot escape careful observation that even 50 years after the establishment of the Regions, a completely convincing approach has not yet been found. Even the reform of Article V of the Constitution in 2001 remained unfulfilled and left a gray area between federalism and centralism, without producing a coherent architecture capable of effectively serving the common good.
In collaboration with "Hygiene4care" and Work in Progress Biomedical srl
Massimo Clementi, Full Professor of Microbiology and Virology at the Vita-Salute San Raffaele University; Antonio Conti, Referente Sistema H4C; Alberto Deales, Chief Medical Officer of Policlinico Umberto I.
The clinical pathway and safety of hospitals, clinics and workplaces, and even the majority of public spaces, is influencing and radically changing our work and habits. What are the correct innovations and protocols that can grant us the possibility of not living in fear? Hospitals and companies are not changing perfectly, but are attempting to respond to a changing reality. A positive attempt, which can, and must be, the beginning of a journey.
Massimo Clementi, Full Professor of Microbiology and Virology at the Vita-Salute San Raffaele University; Antonio Conti, Referente Sistema H4C; Alberto Deales, Chief Medical Officer of Policlinico Umberto I.
The clinical pathway and safety of hospitals, clinics and workplaces, and even the majority of public spaces, is influencing and radically changing our work and habits. What are the correct innovations and protocols that can grant us the possibility of not living in fear? Hospitals and companies are not changing perfectly, but are attempting to respond to a changing reality. A positive attempt, which can, and must be, the beginning of a journey.
Letizia Moratti, President of E4Impact Foundation; Bitange Ndemo, Professor of Entrepreneurship at the University of Nairobi’s Business School. Introduced by Giacomo Ciambotti, Research fellow ALTIS, Università Cattolica and E4Impact Foundation.In a climate of general carelessness and faced with the major challenges of our times, a new corporate development model, resulting from the bold initiative of individual free and responsible subjects, tries to make its own way in order to contribute to the common good. This is particularly evident in sub-Saharan Africa where the E4impact Foundation carries out corporate training activities in order to improve professional skills and strengthen personal initiative. Within this context many social enterprises were established and technological integration seems to play a crucial role for their further development. The guests of this session will share their first-hand experiences in the field of sustainable development accompanied by those who support them in their small but fascinating entrepreneurial adventures.
In collaboration with Eni, Generali and Foundation for Subsidiarity
Domenico Fanizza, Executive Director for Italy, Portugal, Greece, Malta, Albania, and San Marino at International Monetary Fund; Enrico Giovannini, Full Professor of Economic Statistics at the University of Rome "Tor Vergata" and Spokesman of ASviS (The Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development); Stefano Zamagni, Full Professor of Political Economy at the University of Bologna and President of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences. Introduced by Giorgio Vittadini, President of the Foundation for Subsidiarity. Moderated by Elisabetta Soglio, Manager of Buone Notizie newspaper.
The ongoing debate on the limits of the neoliberal development model, made evident with the economic-financial crisis which exploded in 2008, led in 2015 to the creation of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals contained in the UN 2030 Agenda. Sustainability, now also on the agendas of multinational companies, seeks to reconcile the economic and social-environmental spheres. The more we analyze the conditions needed for real social and environmental sustainability, the more it emerges that it cannot be decreed from above, but rather depends on individuals and intermediate bodies truly capable of creating and innovating. It is for this reason that the need to rediscover the link between development, sustainability and subsidiarity arises.
Domenico Fanizza, Executive Director for Italy, Portugal, Greece, Malta, Albania, and San Marino at International Monetary Fund; Enrico Giovannini, Full Professor of Economic Statistics at the University of Rome "Tor Vergata" and Spokesman of ASviS (The Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development); Stefano Zamagni, Full Professor of Political Economy at the University of Bologna and President of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences. Introduced by Giorgio Vittadini, President of the Foundation for Subsidiarity. Moderated by Elisabetta Soglio, Manager of Buone Notizie newspaper.
The ongoing debate on the limits of the neoliberal development model, made evident with the economic-financial crisis which exploded in 2008, led in 2015 to the creation of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals contained in the UN 2030 Agenda. Sustainability, now also on the agendas of multinational companies, seeks to reconcile the economic and social-environmental spheres. The more we analyze the conditions needed for real social and environmental sustainability, the more it emerges that it cannot be decreed from above, but rather depends on individuals and intermediate bodies truly capable of creating and innovating. It is for this reason that the need to rediscover the link between development, sustainability and subsidiarity arises.
In collaboration with CdO Opere Educative, DIESSE, DiSAL, Il Rischio Educativo
Anna Ascani Education Deputy Minister; Luca De Simoni Board Member of “La Zolla” Social Cooperative, Milano; Pier Eugenio Luchetta Head Theacher at Vittorio Veneto 2 “A.Zanzotto” Comprehensive Institute at Vittorio Veneto; Luca Pozzi Theacher at “Achille Mapelli” Technical Institute for Accountant and Surveyors at Monza Claudia Ventura theacher at “Dozza” Comprehensive Institute at Castel Guelfo. Introducing Carlo Di Michele, DIESSE President.
COVID-19 unforeseen drama generated in schools another unforeseen fact, the awakening of awareness and free and spontaneous initiative of people that got involved and discovered again and re-interpreted educative relationship. A way to face emergency that generated new experiences of meeting also at distance, new trails of educational research, new theachers and head theachers initiatives aimed at building formative opportunities, involving families in new ways of educative alliances. All this happens without neglecting to recognize the fatigue in involving students lacking of connecting instruments and those with learning or social problems, without neglecting also difficulties in re-thinking didactics and schools bewilderment in dealing with rules sometimes unclear. A general rehersal that revealed, as has happened never before, how school autonomy is a resource and an instrument suitable to support protagonism of individuals, that has to be sustained and enhanced not only in the perspective of the start of the new school year but also as occasion of renewal of public school system: state schools and state recognized schools.
Anna Ascani Education Deputy Minister; Luca De Simoni Board Member of “La Zolla” Social Cooperative, Milano; Pier Eugenio Luchetta Head Theacher at Vittorio Veneto 2 “A.Zanzotto” Comprehensive Institute at Vittorio Veneto; Luca Pozzi Theacher at “Achille Mapelli” Technical Institute for Accountant and Surveyors at Monza Claudia Ventura theacher at “Dozza” Comprehensive Institute at Castel Guelfo. Introducing Carlo Di Michele, DIESSE President.
COVID-19 unforeseen drama generated in schools another unforeseen fact, the awakening of awareness and free and spontaneous initiative of people that got involved and discovered again and re-interpreted educative relationship. A way to face emergency that generated new experiences of meeting also at distance, new trails of educational research, new theachers and head theachers initiatives aimed at building formative opportunities, involving families in new ways of educative alliances. All this happens without neglecting to recognize the fatigue in involving students lacking of connecting instruments and those with learning or social problems, without neglecting also difficulties in re-thinking didactics and schools bewilderment in dealing with rules sometimes unclear. A general rehersal that revealed, as has happened never before, how school autonomy is a resource and an instrument suitable to support protagonism of individuals, that has to be sustained and enhanced not only in the perspective of the start of the new school year but also as occasion of renewal of public school system: state schools and state recognized schools.
Talk Show Live edited by Fondazione per la sussidiarietà in collaboration with ASviS, CDP-Cassa Depositi e Prestiti e Fondazione Symbola.
Among others, speeches from: Franco Bassanini President of Fondazione Astrid; Alberto Brugnoli, Economist Bergamo University; Chiara Giaccardi, Sociologist, “Sacro Cuore” Catholic University; Enrico Giovannini, speaker ASviS; Mauro Magatti, Sociologist “Sacro Cuore” Catholic University; Massimiliano Monetti, President of Confcooperative Abruzzo; Nando Pagnoncelli, Pollster and Ceo IPSOS; Riccardo Ribera D’Alcalà General Director “General Direction of Internal Policies at European Parliament. Introduced by Massimo Bernardini and Enrico Castelli.
In collaboration with Intesa Sanpaolo
Desi Anwar, Journalist and TV Anchor of CNN Indonesia; Aleksandr Archangel’skij, Cultural commentator and observer, novelist, and journalist, Russian; David Brooks, Columnist for The New York Times, USA; Christine Ockrent, Journalist, TV Anchor and writer, France; Ceferino Reato, Journalist and writer, Argentine. Introduced by Bernhard Scholz, President of the Meeting for Friendship Amongst Peoples Foundation in dialogue with Enrico Letta, President of the Jacques Delors Institute.
The fact that half of the worldwide population was lockdown at home and that the social and economic life was put on stand-by has been an unprecedented historical event. Millions of people started to look at their own life and relations in a new way. So what has changed and what is it going to change on the existential and social levels? What are going to be the consequences for politics and the economy? Is this the beginning of a new era for the world or are we going to go back to the past? Was this a fruitful crisis generating a new life approach or was it just a survival crisis now bringing us back to the previous world?
Desi Anwar, Journalist and TV Anchor of CNN Indonesia; Aleksandr Archangel’skij, Cultural commentator and observer, novelist, and journalist, Russian; David Brooks, Columnist for The New York Times, USA; Christine Ockrent, Journalist, TV Anchor and writer, France; Ceferino Reato, Journalist and writer, Argentine. Introduced by Bernhard Scholz, President of the Meeting for Friendship Amongst Peoples Foundation in dialogue with Enrico Letta, President of the Jacques Delors Institute.
The fact that half of the worldwide population was lockdown at home and that the social and economic life was put on stand-by has been an unprecedented historical event. Millions of people started to look at their own life and relations in a new way. So what has changed and what is it going to change on the existential and social levels? What are going to be the consequences for politics and the economy? Is this the beginning of a new era for the world or are we going to go back to the past? Was this a fruitful crisis generating a new life approach or was it just a survival crisis now bringing us back to the previous world?
The world will never starve for want of wonders; but only for want of wonder.” G. K. Chesterton
Seizing this special situation as an opportunity, this year’s Meeting final event will be performed by many friends met over the years and gathered together for an exceptional night. During this evening, more than 100 young musicians from Austria, Germany, Poland, Latvia, Russia and Italy will present the result of their educational and friendship experienced made during the summer thanks to the International Musical Friendship initiative. The comedian and director Gioele Dix will guide us through this journey with great mastery, talent and irony.
Seizing this special situation as an opportunity, this year’s Meeting final event will be performed by many friends met over the years and gathered together for an exceptional night. During this evening, more than 100 young musicians from Austria, Germany, Poland, Latvia, Russia and Italy will present the result of their educational and friendship experienced made during the summer thanks to the International Musical Friendship initiative. The comedian and director Gioele Dix will guide us through this journey with great mastery, talent and irony.
Sunday 23 August
Celebrated by H. Em. Gualtiero Bassetti, President of CEI.
The Holy Mass will be only in presence and reserved for volunteers.
H. Em. Card. Gualtiero Bassetti, President of CEI. Introduced by Alberto Savorana, Spokesman of Communion and Liberation.
Paola Berbeglia, Representative for Education to Global Citizenship, Concord Italia; Andrea Bianchessi Regional Manager AVSI East Africa; Fiammetta Cappellini Regional Manager AVSI Caraibi; Stefano Manservisi, Special Advisor to The European Commissioner for Economy; Giorgio Marrapodi Director DCGS. Introducing Luciano Piscaglia TV2000 journalistHow is changing the way of working of international cooperation for development after the global experience and yet ongoing pandemia? How are changed the way of implementing projects when face mask use is mandatory and gatherings are not allowed, meetings with close presence can be held no more? Where are going funds for development? Technology and digital assets might replace, supply, revive cooperation?
In collaboration with Intesa Sanpaolo
Muhammad Yunus, Economist and Nobel Peace Prize 2006. Introduced by Andrea Simoncini, Vice President of the Meeting for Friendship Amongst Peoples Foundation, Full Professor of Constitutional Law at the University of Florence and Mario Biggeri, Associate Professor in Development Economics at the Department of Economics and Management at the University of Florence.
Right now the whole world has to address a big question. It is not about how to get the economy running again. Luckily we know the answer. Our past experiences have helped us to develop a general prescription to revive the economy. The big question that we have to answer is: Do we take the world back to where it was before Coronavirus came? Or, we redesign the world? Decision is entirely ours (extract from the essay by Muhammad Yunus published on La Repubblica of April 16, 2020).
Muhammad Yunus, Economist and Nobel Peace Prize 2006. Introduced by Andrea Simoncini, Vice President of the Meeting for Friendship Amongst Peoples Foundation, Full Professor of Constitutional Law at the University of Florence and Mario Biggeri, Associate Professor in Development Economics at the Department of Economics and Management at the University of Florence.
Right now the whole world has to address a big question. It is not about how to get the economy running again. Luckily we know the answer. Our past experiences have helped us to develop a general prescription to revive the economy. The big question that we have to answer is: Do we take the world back to where it was before Coronavirus came? Or, we redesign the world? Decision is entirely ours (extract from the essay by Muhammad Yunus published on La Repubblica of April 16, 2020).
In collaboration with Generali
Andy Bow, Senior Partner at Foster+Partners; Andrea Gnassi, Mayor of Rimini; José Luis Martínez-Almeida, Mayor of Madrid; Giuseppe Sala, Mayor of Milan. Moderated by Emmanuele Forlani, Director of the Meeting for Friendship Amongst Peoples Foundation.
In recent decades, many cities around the world, despite contradictions and open problems, have become increasingly attractive places. Spaces chosen to live, build, invest. Tourist and cultural destinations to visit, workshops to experiment with forms of sharing and social organization. However, the images of those same semi-deserted cities during the lockdown have left their mark and at the same time raised new questions about the type of urban development to strive for in order to respond to people's desire to live better and face the challenges of our time.
Andy Bow, Senior Partner at Foster+Partners; Andrea Gnassi, Mayor of Rimini; José Luis Martínez-Almeida, Mayor of Madrid; Giuseppe Sala, Mayor of Milan. Moderated by Emmanuele Forlani, Director of the Meeting for Friendship Amongst Peoples Foundation.
In recent decades, many cities around the world, despite contradictions and open problems, have become increasingly attractive places. Spaces chosen to live, build, invest. Tourist and cultural destinations to visit, workshops to experiment with forms of sharing and social organization. However, the images of those same semi-deserted cities during the lockdown have left their mark and at the same time raised new questions about the type of urban development to strive for in order to respond to people's desire to live better and face the challenges of our time.
Cornel West, Professor of the Practice of Public Philosophy at Harvard University and Professor Emeritus at Princeton University and Robert George, McCormick Professor of Jurisprudence, Founder and Director of the James Madison Program in American Ideals and Institutions at Princeton University.This session is part of a series of three video interviews with José Ángel González Sainz, Maurizio Maggiani e Cornel West-Robert George. These interviews were recorded in the places where the guests live and work in order to try to discover their relationship to reality and to delve into the questions resulting from this relationship, especially in a moment that is so extreme for all humanity. Is it possible to move from a closed and rigid ideology to a rediscovery of reality as an opportunity and as a calling? Who are the people – teachers and friends – who can provide support during this human adventure, without distracting from the essential questions, and instead continuously reawakening them thanks to their presence? Finally, which contribution can an author make to the reconstruction using the tools of his trade? The title is based upon the lyrics of a famous song by Bob Dylan, “Floater”, «Sometimes somebody wants you to give something up / And tears or not, it’s too much to ask».
Talk Show Live edited by Fondazione per la Sussidiarietà in collaboration with CDP-Cassa Depositi e Prestiti and Fondazione Symbola
Among speakers: Giovanni Arletti vice President of Confindustria Modena and President of Chimar Group; Fausto Bertinotti politician; Massimo Folador business professor on ethics and sustainable development at LIUC University Cattaneo; Enrico Giovannini spokesman for ASviS; Mauro Prina manager at Silicon Valley; Lucia Sciacca Communication Director, General Sustainability Italia and Global Business Lines; Andrea Toselli CEO-PWC. Introduced by Massimo Bernardini and Enrico Castelli.
Among speakers: Giovanni Arletti vice President of Confindustria Modena and President of Chimar Group; Fausto Bertinotti politician; Massimo Folador business professor on ethics and sustainable development at LIUC University Cattaneo; Enrico Giovannini spokesman for ASviS; Mauro Prina manager at Silicon Valley; Lucia Sciacca Communication Director, General Sustainability Italia and Global Business Lines; Andrea Toselli CEO-PWC. Introduced by Massimo Bernardini and Enrico Castelli.
Marta Luisa Fagnani, Mother Superior of the Trappist cloister in Azer (Syria); Anna Konstantinovna Federmesser, Director Manager of Fondazione Vera for palliative care in Moscow; Monica Fontana Abad, Luigi Giussani Institute of Higher Education in Kampala; Elisa Vegas, Orchestra Leader of Orquesta Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho de Venezuela. Introduced by Davide Perillo, Editor-in-chief of Traces Magazine.
Stories of seemingly impossible hope. In a world devastated by the pandemic, pain, death, disease, hunger are not the last word. The encounter with witnesses of a new and different humanity within challenging circumstances: human awakening is possible, even within a tragic context. And this experience is possible for everyone.
Stories of seemingly impossible hope. In a world devastated by the pandemic, pain, death, disease, hunger are not the last word. The encounter with witnesses of a new and different humanity within challenging circumstances: human awakening is possible, even within a tragic context. And this experience is possible for everyone.