How to reach us


Thanks to the motorway network, Rimini is well connected with the rest of Italy and Europe. It is located on the A14 Milan-Bari Motorway, and has two motorway exits: Rimini Nord (6 km) e Rimini Sud (7 km).

For further information


“Rimini Fiera” Station on the Milan-Bari line provides a quick and easy connection with the main traffic routes. During major events, 15 northbound and southbound trains leave visitors at a distance of 50 metres from the entrance of the exhibition centre every day, from all parts of Italy, from Rimini and from the coast.

Timetables are subject to change: on the website real-time updates are available by entering Riminifiera as departure or destination and the precise arrival or departure date. For those getting off at Rimini Central Station, the bus to the Exhibition Centre is no. 9.


Rimini and San Marino International Airport “Federico Fellini” is connected to international airports with scheduled flights.

Bologna International Airport “Guglielmo Marconi” is about 100 km by motorway from Rimini and can be reached in an hour, also by shuttle bus or private car. It provides daily connections with the main cities in Italy, Europe and the world, served by the major international airlines.
For further information