Sport village: daily training with clubs, leagues, federations

New confirmations of attendance at the Sport Village have arrived, the area curated by Master Group Sport within the 40th Meeting of Friendship amongst Peoples.
On August the 22nd of Augus, at 12 noon, the meeting "The Italian Sport that Vince: every success comes from preparation" is scheduled. Important representatives of institutions such as the Hon. Giancarlo Giorgetti (Undersecretary of State to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers), Ing. Rocco Sabelli (President and AD Sport e Salute Spa) and Mauro Fabris (President of the Serie A Women's Volleyball League).
Davide Cassani (CT Italian National Cycling Team and APT Emilia-Romagna President), Deputy Brigadier Fabrizio Donato (Fiamme Gialle Sports Group and athlete of the Italian Athletics Federation in the triple jump) and Rossano Galtarossa are also expected to speak. Facility manager of Canottieri Padova; Olympic Rowing Champion) and Riccardo Pittis (Mental coach and motivational speaker, former Italian national basketball player).
During the meeting all those present will talk about how programming can contribute to achieving success in sports. The entire event will be led by Giovanni Bruno, a Sky TV Sport columnist.
The event will be at the Sports Arena, Sport Village C7, the meeting area built specifically to host and welcome the many national and international sports figures who will participate in the event.
There will also be sports activities on the playing fields inside the Sport Village. In particular, from August 18th to 24th training sessions will be held on the five-a-side football fields with FC Barcelona, FC Internazionale Milano, SS Lazio and US Sassuolo, on basketball courts with the Italian Basketball Federation and on volleyball courts with the Serie a femminile (Women's Volleyball League) and with the CSI: unmissable moments of play and fun that will involve the many children who are attending the Meeting of Friendship amongst Peoples.