Odifreddi Dario

Dario Odifreddi was born on November 23, 1961, in Turin. He is married to Elena and has three children: Federica, Marco, and Luca. 

 In 1987, he graduated with honors in Economics and Commerce from the University of Turin. He started working in 1988 at the National Research Council (CNR), focusing on legislative instruments and policies in the field of industrial and development policies. 

 For over 20 years, he has designed and coordinated national and transnational research and projects on educational systems and territorial policies, with a particular focus on combating social disadvantage and welfare systems. He is the author of numerous articles and publications on the subject of the education-training-employment pathway. 

 Since 1997, he has been the President of the Consorzio Scuole Lavoro (Consortium of Schools and Work), which operates through 27 training agencies nationwide. Since 2004, he has served as the President of the Piazza dei Mestieri Foundation, a training institution that facilitates the preparation and job placement of young people. 

 Since 2005, he has been the national responsible person for the Compagnia delle Opere on the topic of Vocational Training. Since 2007, he has been a member of the Board of Directors, and since 2014, he has been the Secretary General of the national association Forma, a widely representative association of Vocational Training in Italy. The association engages in dialogue with the Government and Parliament on Vocational Training policies and signs the National Collective Agreement. 

ultimo aggiornamento: 30 July 2022