Benanti Paolo

Paolo Benanti, born in Rome in 1973, is a Franciscan of the Third Regular Order (TOR) and specializes in ethics, bioethics, and ethics of technology. His studies focus on the management of innovation, including the impact of the Digital Age and the ethical and anthropological significance of technology for Homo sapiens. He obtained his licentiate in moral theology in 2008 and his doctorate in moral theology in 2012 from the Pontifical Gregorian University. His doctoral dissertation titled “The Cyborg: Body and Corporeality in the Post-Human Era” won the Belarmino-Vedovato Prize. Since 2008, he has been a lecturer at the Pontifical Gregorian University, the Theological Institute of Assisi, and the Pontifical Leonine College in Anagni. In addition to teaching courses on sexual morality and bioethics, he also focuses on neuroethics, ethics of technology, artificial intelligence, and the post-human. He has been part of the Artificial Intelligence Task Force to support the Agency for Digital Italy and is a corresponding member of the Pontifical Academy for Life with a special mandate for the world of artificial intelligence. In late 2018, he was selected by the Ministry of Economic Development as a member of a group of thirty experts tasked with developing the national strategy on artificial intelligence and the national strategy on distributed ledger technologies and blockchain. He has authored several monographs, including:
- “Homo Faber: The Techno-Human Condition” (EDB, ebook English, 2018)
- “Le machine sapienti” (Marietti, Bologna, 2018)
- ““Se l’uomo non basta. Speranze e timori nell’uso della tecnologia contro il Covid-19” (Castelvecchi, Roma, 2020)
- “Ricordare troppo. Eccessi di memoria da Borges alle neuroscienze” (Marietti, Bologna, 2020)
- “Vedere l’alba dentro l’imbrunire. Scenari plausibili dopo il Covid-19” (Castelvecchi, Roma, 2020)
- “La grande invenzione. Il linguaggio come tecnologia, dalle pitture rupestri al GPT-3” (San Paolo, Cinisello Balsamo, 2021)
- “Human in the loop. Decisioni umane e intelligenze artificiali” (Mondadori Università, Milano, 2022)
- “Oráculos: entre ética e governança dos algoritmos” (Editora Unisinos, 2020)