Friday the 10th of July at 12 am there is Meeting 2020 Official Presentation

The moment is finally here: we can know every news of Meeting 2020 Special Edition: the program, the exhibitions, the events, the protagonists, the communication devices…
The appointment is on Friday the 10th of July, 2020 at 12 am live from Palacongressi in Rimini with Meeting 2020 Official Presentation, which is broadcast in Italian and in English on its website and on its social networks.
Here there are the links to follow up the event:
- Website:
- Italian Youtube channe:l
- English Youtube channel:
- Facebook:
Bernhard SCHOLZ, President of the Meeting for Friendship Amongst Peoples Foundation.
Emmanuele FORLANI, Director of the Meeting for Friendship Amongst Peoples Foundation.
Stefano BONACCINI, President of Emilia-Romagna Region.
Gian Carlo BLANGIARDO, President of ISTAT.
Mariella CARLOTTI, President of Conservatorio San Niccolò, Prato.
Maria Chiara CARROZZA, Full Professor of Industrial Bioengineering at Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa.
Gioele DIX, actor and director.
Mons. Francesco LAMBIASI, bishop of Rimini.
Amb. Giorgio MARRAPODI, Director General for Development Cooperation / Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
Andrea GNASSI, Mayor of Rimini.
Corrado PERABONI, ad Italian Exhibitions Group IEG.
For the occasion it will be widespread the official program of the event and it will be launched the new home page of Meeting website, created to optimize the fruition of its events. We wait for you on Friday at 12 am. Don’t miss out every news about Meeting 2020!