Jeanne d’Arc


‘A suggestive exhibition is dedicated to the charming figu-re of the ‘Pucelle d’Orleans’ and that wants to be also a ‘Hommage à Régine Pernoud’, the famous French scholar of Jeanne d’Arc (Domrémy 1412 – Rouen 1431). The exhibition deals with the fundamental moments and places of this young woman’s extraordinary life. The ‘Young Lorrainer’ will be also the subject of an encounter with Régine Pernoud, M. Luisa Spaziani, Silvana Strocchi. On Sunday and Monday evenings there will be the showing of the film ‘Jeanne the Pucelle’ by Jacques Rivette.’


21 Agosto 1994 - 28 Agosto 1994


Exhibitions Meeting Exhibitions