1994 Edition

And the exiled people continued on its journey
"And the exiled people conti-nued on its journey". the XV Meeting is trying to tell what a people is like. Through the example of the great figures of history: the Jewish people, the cathedrals, the greatest expressive display of the concerted nature of the Christian people in the Middle time; Jeanne d'Arc, Giovanni Pierluigi from Palestrina, the saints Chiara and Francesco, but Pier Paolo Pasolini as well, that is the "soloists' who embo-died in their own life their peo-ple's attitude. Through the drama of the present time: Rwanda, Bosnia, Sudan, where both the destruction and the exile of the popular realities ore very plain as in the civil back-ground there are no suitable ideals to support the men’s cohabitation. Encounters, exhibitions, shows will tell all this through a para-doxical variety which yet is a characteristic feature of the experience and of the Meeting’s happening. Watching and listening to things beyond prearranged schemes, approaching the rea-lity as each ideology never does: this is the reason why we pro-pose the Neapolitan song as well as the signs of the work-shops at the end of the nine-teenth century, Eugene lonesco as well as Thomas Stearns Eliot, the "Ancient Peoples from ltaly" as well as the shanty-towns of Calcutta, the Compagnia delle Opere (Works Company) as well as the United Nations Conference on the world population. Entering the field as you are, on behalf of an ideal lived in the everyday life, building new types of com-munity where the ethical life may be supported: this is what the Meeting and the people who meet in Rimini want to offer in the present situation. An ideal of human or more human life cannot fail to arouse the interest of the people who somehow recognize them-selves and friends and cooperate in view of a supposed or perceived ideal of a better humanity, and who try to find the means to carry out this ideal. This is a people.