The human desire, the heart of the performances of the Meeting ‘18

Press Meeting

Seven thousand presence of the events in the Meeting

Rimini, Saturday August 25th – Seven thousand people attended the inside and outside shows of the event: Paolo Cevoli the comedia sold out tickets, a huge success for the “Through the see of desire” inspired by Paul Claudel’s “Satin Slipper”. People welcomed the story of an Afghan boy named Farhad Bitani, they welcomed South American musicians Violeta Parra, Victor Jara and Chico Buraque, also the legendary baseball player Lou Gehrig, and the music and songs of Walter Muto and Carlo Pastori.

In the human experience, what does falling in love and the desire to be with someone else mean? A great question which gives meaning to the work of Claudel, and brought Otello Cenci, Agnese Bezzera and Giampiero Pizzol on stage on August 19th at the Tiberio Bridge, an evocative scenario witnessed by 3000 spectators, the troubled love affair of Donna Prouhèze and Don Rodrigue.

The day after, the desire for change and authenticity was told by “The Last White Sheet – The White Point in man’s heart”, a play by the Anna Bonomi Company, three thousand spectators walked the path of the young Afghan Farhad Bitani, which contains in his history the encounter between Islam and Christianity in the Teatro Novelli.

Still the desire, to denounce injustice and to sing the dream of a better world, a show by Guya Val-maggi and Los Creadores, at Piscine Est, on Tuesday the 21st . In front of about five hundred people, the group performed some of the most beautiful songs composed by the Chileans Violeta Parra and Victor Jara and the Brazilian Chico Buarque de Hollanda.

But human desire also emerges strongly in sports experience, in unexpected pains, as in the story of Lou Gehrig, the undisputed American baseball champion who died in 1941 at only 38 years old, played by Mario Mascitelli, that was held on Wednesday August 22nd in Teatro Novelli.

Even God has cultivated a great desire: love for men. With the irony and comedy of Paolo Cevoli more than 3,000 spectators in the Intesa Sanpaolo A3 Auditorium, Thursday, August 23rd, have been able to bring together the great figures of the old testament. From Adam and Eve, to Abraham, to Job, to Isaiah. Until the unexpected trailer of the next show, which will be dedicated to the New Testament, starting from that great “crush” of God towards the beautiful Mary.

Finally, the desire to communicate and create curiosity towards meaningful life stories is the heart of the musical performance of Walter Muto and of the comedian Carlo Pastori: “Virus Vitale Varietà”, which took place on Friday August 24th, the last event at the Teatro Ermete Novelli. An unconventional show able to involve the public with many “links” and virtual guests.
