I’ll tell you a story…Antonietta and Maria Cristina, Loverciano

It all started when, in 2020, we painfully discovered that we couldn’t go to the Meeting.
This appointment has always been of fundamental importance for us, a guided dive into the problems of our time, an overview of the beauty and fruitfulness of faith, a being repositioned in the face of daily life, work and commitments. And how many meetings, continued throughout the year, have sometimes become deep friendships! Thinking about all this richness, we realized that the new apparently unfavorable circumstance could become an opportunity.
We have put before our eyes what the Meeting was for us: the meetings, the company of friends, the exhibitions, the discussions, the testimonies... it is incredible the added value of a meeting listened to together, of an exhibition seen together. So, we looked around.
We thought that Loverciano, a beautiful 18th century villa located here in the Canton of Ticino and historically used for charitable works, could become a place to offer to those who, like us, wanted to follow the Meeting, without losing any of its dimensions.
A group of volunteers was quickly formed who ensured the proper functioning of the technological links and took care of the catering aspect. At the table we have outlined a small program drawing from the great offer of the Meeting, guided by the desire to meet again great friends and to open ourselves to the proposal of the year, always with a cut that refers to the nature of the place that hosted us.
Not being able to follow the concert online, we decided to offer a live moment, thanks to a pianist friend and the providential purchase of a second-hand half-tail piano.
We realized that in this way the Meeting was also accessible to some friends who, due to age and health, could no longer go to Rimini.
This is the reason why the following year, in 2021, although we were finally able to relive the Meeting in person, we decided to propose it here again, also making room for other local realities, whose purpose and spirit are in tune with the reasons for the Meeting. It was interesting, for example, in the light of the exhibition on Tolkien, to hear from the director of the Parsifal secondary school in Lugano, the educational reasons that led to choosing to read the Hobbit and invest time in an in-depth work on this book.
This makes us reflect and wish that our contribution can continue in the future, offering the opportunity to live the Meeting in person and at the same time inviting to live it remotely