Faces that build… Carolina and Vincenzo

"The Meeting is a good for me, and it is a good for the world as well. It is an exceptional place where encounter is its very essence". Carolina and her husband Vincenzo are familiar and beloved faces among the volunteers of the Meeting for Friendship Amongst Peoples. For years, they have been volunteering, but their commitment is not limited to the week of the event in Rimini. In their city, Ancona, they organize several initiatives to promote the Meeting and raise funds.
"Even in its name, there is a universal purpose: 'friendship peoples.' In an era marked by mistrust and absolutism in judgment, the Meeting is a sign of hope for possible coexistence," Carolina emphasizes. "In our lives, we have never encountered a place where the possibility of dialogue between different people and cultures could be experienced in such a concrete and palpable way, where everyone's contribution to the common good is valued, and where there is a 'disarming and disarmed' fraternity like at the Meeting. In a time dominated by absolutism in one’s judgment and mistrust of others, the Meeting is, in the international cultural landscape, the only true sign of hope for possible coexistence."
This year, their commitment to the Meeting coincided with important family milestones, such as the baptism of their second grandchild and the wedding of one of their children. But this didn’t stop them. "We couldn't do everything we wanted, but we adapted to reality," Carolina says. "Since we couldn't organize our own event, we decided to use... other people's concerts," Vincenzo explains. Essentially, they worked to set up a Meeting Point during events and concerts organized by the Municipality of Ancona or other groups. "We wanted to meet people, promote the Meeting, and invite them to the events scheduled in Rimini. It was truly an interesting opportunity because it was completely 'missionary': we reached out to people who might never have known about the Meeting."
The initiative seems to have been quite successful. "Many expressed curiosity and amazement at the topics covered and the exhibitions, or shared positive memories linked to past editions," Vincenzo says.
Carolina and Vincenzo have no doubts: the Meeting is something worth supporting. "This place represents something unique: a concrete dialogue between different people and cultures, an experience that values everyone's contribution to the common good. A 'disarming fraternity' that leaves a mark and generates a profound desire for sharing," they explain.
"When you encounter beauty and truth, you desire this encounter to last over time and to be possible for others as well."