Road to Meeting 2022… Ninth stage

We have studied them several times at school, they are part of the collective imagination worldwide, they are two eternal symbols of the genius and inventiveness of our country.
Yet we may not know so much about Leonardo and Michelangelo.
The two most charismatic geniuses of the Renaissance were very different, opposite in everything.
The first elegant, both in bearing and in dressing, the second clumsy and scruffy; the first always courteous and affable, the second grumpy and angry; the first endowed with a vague, elusive spirituality, the second a fervent and tormented Christian.
Roberto Mercadini, actor and narrator tells for us their story in the lesson / show of the Meeting 2022 entitled Leonardo and Michelangelo, a passion for human. Indeed, "two passions for human"..
We are waiting for you on Monday 22 August at 9.30 pm at Roberto Mercadini, actor and narrator tells for us their story in the lesson / show of the Meeting 2022 entitled Leonardo and Michelangelo, a passion for man. Indeed, "two passions for man"..
We are waiting for you on Monday 22 August at 9.30 pm at the Teatro Galli in Rimini!
Watch the video with the first previews!