Road to Meeting 2024… ninth stage

Beauty is always a present experience; it lives in the present and is generated by present life. This is how Giuseppe Frangi introduces us to the ninth stage of the Road to Meeting: beauty.
This can be revealed through two exhibitions proposed at the Meeting: “For whom the stars exist. The journey of Progetto Arca alongside the poor” and “Future Villages. Faces and stories of a small Italy capable of reinventing itself”.
“For whom the stars exist. The journey of Progetto Arca alongside the poor,” an exhibition dedicated to the thirty years of the Progetto Arca Foundation, seeks to provide visitors with an experiential journey, starting from the awareness that we are all “fragile,” none of us can escape fragility, and on the other hand, we all desire that beauty invades our lives.
“Future Villages. Faces and stories of a small Italy capable of reinventing itself” narrates some paths of rebirth of small villages in the Italian territory, where residents, especially the young, do not resign themselves to emigration but try to build a future by highlighting the beauty offered by their place of origin.
In the video, curator Giuseppe Frangi introduces us to the two exhibitions.
Through these two exhibitions, we discover that beauty is something unexpected. Unexpected like a group of homeless people interpreting the verses of Dante and Majakovskij or like the small Italian villages that become laboratories of the future, starting from the same residents, engaged in valuing the stories of their past.
Beauty thus transforms into something that generates present and future life.
A civilisation doesn’t grow without culture
Dialogue and beauty are its lifeblood
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