Road to Meeting 2021 – Fifth Stage

“Why do you so mirror yourself in us?”
A people following Dante on a journey.
The Italian Cultural Centers are animated by a public call for the Divine Comedy on the anniversary of Dante’s death. Together with our friend Marco Martinelli -who is the founder of Teatro delle Albe in Ravenna and who has been engaged for many years in a project for the 700th anniversary of Dante’s death which involves the realization of ‘choral’ shows on Inferno and Purgatorio both in Italy and abroad - we will walk into the Divine Comedy in five major cities by putting ourselves on the line, with our own life, banal or unfortunate it may be.
We will physically follow Dante on his journey, attracted by a new good for ourselves.
As if in those words the repetition of ourselves, of our individuality, and of our destiny happened again. Words that will find a new life, because someone, today, is “mirrored” again in them.