Zaccuri Alessandro

Alessandro Zaccuri is an Italian journalist and writer, born in La Spezia in 1963. He holds a degree in Literature from the Catholic University of Milan and has contributed to the magazines “Letture” and “Lo Straniero”. Since 1994, he has been writing for “Avvenire”. He is the author and presenter of the television program “Il Grande Talk” (2005-2011). 

 Zaccuri made his debut in fiction writing in 2003 with the reportage “Milano, la città di nessuno” (Milan, the city of no one), followed by novels such as “Il signor figlio” (2007, finalist for the Premio Campiello), “Infinita notte” (2009), and “Dopo il miracolo” (2012). He has also had success in the genres of short stories with works like “Che cos’è una casa” (2009) and “Peppi va alle Hawaii” (2013), as well as essays including “Citazioni pericolose” (2000), “Il futuro a vapore” (2004), “In terra sconsacrata” (2008), “Città. Parole per capire, ascoltare, capirsi” (2015), and “Come non letto. 10 classici +1 che possono ancora cambiare il mondo” (2016). 

 His more recent works include the novel “Lo spregio” (2016), winner of the Premio Comisso 2017, “Non è tutto da buttare. Arte e racconto della spazzatura” (2016), a study on the unexpected allure of waste and the creative potential of garbage, and the novels “La quercia di Bruegel” (2021) and “Poco a me stesso” (2022). 


ultimo aggiornamento: 12 June 2023