Prades López Javier

Priest of the Diocese of Madrid. Graduated in Law in U. Autónoma de Madrid (1982) and Doctor of Theology in the Pontificial Gregorian University of Rome (1991).
He got a scholarship for the studies by the Fundación Universitaria Oriol-Urquijo, which later served as Rector from 1990 to 1998. He is Ordinary Professor of Dogmatic Theology at the Faculty of Theology at the University of San Dàmaso in Madrid, where he is currently the Rector. Member of the International Theological Commission and Academic Evaluation Expert appointed by AVEPRO (Holy See). He was Director of Revista Española de Teología, Director of the Department of Dogmatic Theology and Responsible for Cultural Activities. He is a member of the Extraordinary Committee of other journals: Oasis, Rev. Católica Internacional Communio, Theology and Catequesis, Scriptorium Victoriense. Humanitas Founding partner of the “Asociación para la Investigación y la Docencia Universitas“. He has published “Deus specialiter est in sanctis for gratiam“. El misterio de la inhabitación de la Trinidad en los escritos de Santo Tomás (Rome 1993). Dios ha salvado la distancia (Madrid 2003). “Communicatio Christi”. Reflexiones de teología sistemática (Madrid, 2004). La razón ¿enemiga del Misterio? (Madrid 2007). Nostalgia of Resurrection. Reason and faith in the West (Siena 2007). West: the inevitable encounter (Siena, 2008). El hombre, más allá de sí mismo (Madrid 2012). Dar testimonio. La presencia de los cristianos en la sociedad plural (Madrid 2015). He is a coauthor, along with L. Giussani and S. Alberto, of Creating traces in the history of the world (Milan 1998), and, together with A. Scola and G. Marengo of the Manual of Anthropological Theology (Milan 2006). He has written more than seventy articles on theological subjects in several international journals.
He has been publisher or co-publisher of the following volumes: Ciencias humanas y sociedad: Fundación Oriol-Urquijo (1953-1993) (Madrid 1993). Hombre y Dios en la sociedad de fin de siglo (Madrid 1994). “La razón creyente”. Actas del Congreso Internacional sobre la Encíclica “Fides et Ratio” (Madrid 2002). El Misterio in the través de las formas (Madrid 2002). “In Ecclesiae Communion”. Miscelánea en homenaje a S.E. Mgr Antonio Mª Rouco Varela (Madrid 2003). La voz que yace bajo las voces (Madrid 2003). La esperanza en un mundo globalizado (Madrid 2004). Nación y nacionalismo. Contribuciones para a diálogo (Madrid 2004). En busca del padre (Madrid 2005). Educar en la verdad (Madrid 2006). At the origin of diversity. The Challenges of Multiculturalism (Milan 2008). Dios es amor (Madrid 2009). La razón de l’esperanza. (Madrid 2010). Sufficit Gratu Tua. Miscellaneous in honor of Cardinal Angelo Scola for his 70th birthday (Venice 2012).

ultimo aggiornamento: 18 August 2021