Moretti Angelo

Education and Commitment
Angelo Moretti holds a degree in Law from the University of Federico II and a degree in Psychological Sciences and Techniques from Lumsa University, as well as a master’s degree in Social Project Management from Lumsa. Since 2001, he has worked as a social planner. He served as the National President of the Vincenziano Youth Volunteer Groups from 2002 to 2006, and as the President and co-founder of the Volunteer Service Center of the Province of Benevento from 2004 to 2007. Furthermore, he coordinated the Diocesan Caritas of Benevento from 2011 to 2018.
Currently, Moretti is the President of the International Social Economy Network Res-Int, the civil economy network “Sale della Terra,” and serves as a representative of the Network of Small Municipalities of Welcome. He is a co-author of the book “L’Italia che non ti aspetti. Un Manifesto per una rete dei Piccoli Comuni del Welcome” (Città Nuova, 2018) and a co-author and editor of the volume “Ricucire e campanelle. Budget educativi: un metodo innovativo per il dialogo tra scuole, territorio e comunità educante” (Ave Editrice, 2019). He is also a promoter, along with Angelo Righetti, of the national network “For a New Welfare.”
Personal Life
Married to Cettina Cutispoto, he is the father of Angela, Gennaro, Antonio, Anna, Valentina, Francesco, and Sara Oliva, and is a grandfather to Anastasia..