Migliaro Gemma

Gemma Migliaro is 63years old, married, the mother of three children, the grandmother of four grandchildren, and she worked as an Anesthesiologist until 2013 at the Galliera Hospital in Genoa. In April of 2014, she graduated from the Catholic University of Milan in Philosophy of the Person and Bioethics with the thesis “Informed Consent and the Medical Art” (directed by Ch.mo Prof. Adriano Pessina).
From 2002 to 2014, she was a member of the Council of the Order of Doctors of Genoa, where she worked particularly following all the problems related to the Deontological Code and the themes of Bioethics.
Migliaro has taught deontology for many years in courses for emergency medicine. She supports initiatives at the ecclesial level and in the schools on the arguments regarding the education of emotions and sexuality.
Migliaro is the president of the Science and Life Association of Genoa and a member of the Pastoral Council for the Diocese of Genoa. She is a temporary member of the Regional Ethical Committee of Liguria.
Since October of 2014 she has been the National president for the Association of Medicine and the Person.

Ultimo aggiornamento: 14 Agosto 0