Bassi Vincenzo

Vincenzo Bassi is a prominent figure in the landscape of family law and policy in Europe, best known for his role as president of the Federation of Catholic Family Associations in Europe (FAFCE). FAFCE is an organization that represents and promotes the interests of Catholic families at the European level, interacting with institutions of the European Union and the Council of Europe.
Professional career
Vincenzo Bassi is a lawyer by profession, specializing in international and European law, with a particular focus on human rights and family policies. He is a respected academic, having given lectures and seminars on law and family-related topics at various universities and institutions.
Presence in FAFCE
His affiliation with FAFCE goes back many years, during which time he has held various roles within the organization. His appointment as president in 2019 was a natural evolution of his commitment and dedication to the cause of Catholic families. Under his leadership, FAFCE has strengthened its presence in Brussels and Strasbourg, influencing family and social policies through dialogue with European policymakers.