Via Crucis atomaicae


‘Following the exhibitions “Defeating the dragon” and “The dragon and utopia”, “Via Crucis atomicae” concludes the trilogy by Camilian Demetrescu, dedicated to the presence the sacred and the fall of spirituality in our civilisation. Christ, Cain, Abel and contemporary man are the protagonists of this parallel calvary which metaphorically narrates the sacrifice of Christ. The bomb is the symbol of the tragedy of contemporary man. Born in, Roman Demetrescu has lived in Italy since 1970. In 1977, in Gallese, he worked on the restoration of a Romanic church: after this engagement, he left abstract research to devote himself to sacred art. He took part in the Venice Biennial twice and has produced numerous exhibitions.’


24 Agosto 1985 - 31 Agosto 1985


Exhibitions Meeting Exhibitions