Exhibitions ’15
ABRAHAM.The rise of the self
Curated by Ignacio Carbajosa Pérez. With the collaboration of Giorgio Buccellati.
Keep the fire burning.Surprises of contemporary art
Curated by Casa Testori Associazione Culturale, Davide Dall'Ombra, Luca Fiore, Giuseppe Frangi, Francesca Radaelli.
A community on the outskirts: the “villera” Church in Buenos Aires
Curated by Carlos Olivero, Ingrid Elizabeth Amarilla Machoqui , Marcelo Alfredo Benitez, Sandra Daniela Benitez, Victor Manuel Benitez Guerreño, Deisy Mabel Benitez Martinez, Enzo Gabriel Britez, Fidencio Gonzalez Gimenez, Martha Isabel Helman Cabrera, Je
Take care of the seed. Stories of people and their new startfrom desire
Curated by CDO Agroalimentare
For me to live is Christ. Metropolitan Anthony Bloom
Curated by Aleksandr Filonenko, Dmitrij Strozev, Konstantin Sigov, Giovanna Parravicini, Francesco Braschi and Adriano Dell’Asta.
OPUS FLORENTINUM Florence Cathedral Square among faith, history and art
Curated by Mariella Carlotti and Samuele Caciagli
In collaboration with the Opera di Santa Maria del Fiore of Florence.
Mysterious is water
Curated by Associazione Euresis. In collaboration with Ceur Foundation. Media Partner Avvenire. Under the sponsorship of the Ministry of Environment.
“Moved by a gaze”. From the Sagrada Familia to the Morimondo Abbey, story of a friendship
Curated by the Shalom Cultural Center Amici Association of Abbiategrasso. In collaboration with the Association Amici di Gaudí, Jordi Bonet, Etsuro Sotoo, Jordi Fauli, José Manuel Almuzara.
I Am Exceptional: The Millennial Experience. Finding one’s identity
Curated by José Medina, Martina Saltamacchia, Carolina Brito, Amy Sapenoff. With Monica Canetta, Federica Fromm, Jonathan Ghaly, Emily Marsolek, Beth Nelson, Vincent Petruccelli, Laurence Rivest, Stephanie Stockman, Emily Wurzler.
A heart greater than war. Soldiers’ Songs throughout the Great War
Curated by Coro Canto e Tradizione (CET).
“Thou shalt relinquish everything of thee Beloved most dearly”. Giuliano Dalmati’s exile at the end of the Second World War.
Curated by Associazione Nazionale Venezia Giulia and Dalmazia and Coordinamento Adriatico.
Rise and see, o soul. Painters and sculptors tell the story of Alberto Marvelli on his beatification’s tenth anniversary
Curated by Centro Documentazione “A. Marvelli” of Rimini