1988 Edition

Seekers of the infinite builders of history
Among the major questions facing us, often dramatically, in this modern day and age, those concerning the ultimate destiny of mankind and our sense of reality appear inescapable. By centering its main theme on Man, seeker of the infinite, Meeting '88 proposes to stimulate debate on human intellect seen as a gatewav to the Mysteries and an aperture through which to perceive reality in its entirety. Meeting '88 - a historical challenge to find out just how reasonable Man's ultimate query really is. Seekers of the infinite, builders of history: in describing the path toward truth chosen by Man in accordance with the fundamental yearnings of his own heart, Meeting '88 aims to discover the true genesis of human labor and history building, a natural bridge between the search for the ultimate meaning of reality and its transformation into ‘’new forms of life for Man’’. Meeting '88 will present a number of different routes through human history, art, civilization and science.