Partners of the Foundation in building the Meeting are:

Associazione Italiana Centri Culturali
It is the institution that gathers many Italian Cultural Centers that carry out activities of divulgation, research, education, formation, and information.

Compagnia delle Opere
Association of entrepreneurs at a national level that aims at promoting an attitude of mutual collaboration and assistance among its members, in order to bring out the human and economic resources in any entrepreneurial activity, both for profit and not for profit. It counts forty locations around Italy and 34,000 associated enterprises; most of these are small to medium size businesses.

Fondazione per la Sussidiarietà
(The Subsidiarity Foundation)
The Foundation for Subsidiarity, chaired by Giorgio Vittadini, is dedicated to fostering cultural-scientific debate and promoting a view of society in which individuals play a lead role and where the principle of subsidiarity is prominent. The principle of subsidiarity asserts that all decisions of general interest are taken at a level as close as possible to the single individual. The Foundation is engaged in research, training activities, and publications on social, economic and political issues.