Articles of Foundation


The “Meeting for friendship amongst peoples” Foundation was established on 31 March 2008 by deed drawn up by Notary Plescia of Rimini (index no. 47.236/7949, registered at the Inland Revenue Office of Rimini on 10 April 2008 under no. 4.919/I following the transformation of the legal status of the pre-existing Meeting for Friendship Amongst Peoples Association (Presidential Decree no. 869 dated 6 August 1986).
By decree of the Prefect of Rimini dated 25 June 2008 the registration of the “Meeting for friendship amongst peoples” Foundation was authorised in the Prefect’s corporate bodies register kept at the Rimini Prefecture, under no. 186.


Article 1
Establishment and headquarters

Following the initiative of the members of the “Meeting for friendship amongst peoples” Association, the association itself is transformed into a Foundation called
The Foundation has its registered office in Rimini, Via Flaminia no.18/20.

Article 2
Purpose of the Foundation

The purpose of the Foundation is to promote the cultural and social growth of human beings, as a priority resource for building relations of friendship and solidarity among peoples.
In its activity, as indicated in art. 3 below, the Foundation intends protecting and promoting all authentically human values for the building up of a co-existence more respectful of the real dignity of human beings, having as its priority reference, on the one hand, the principles contained in Mgr. Luigi Giussani’s book “Il rischio educativo” and, on the other, making reference to the “fundamental principles” laid down by the constitution of the Italian Republic with special reference, as regards international relations, to the provisions of art.11.
The Foundation is a non-profit organisation.

Article 3
Foundation activities

In order to pursue its purpose, as specified in article 2 above, the Foundation’s priority commitment is the yearly organisation of the week of encounters, exhibitions, live shows and initiatives staged in Rimini with the name of “Meeting for friendship amongst peoples”.
The Foundation shall furthermore be entitled to plan and organise other activities useful for the pursuit of the purpose which, by way of example only, may consist of :

  • periodical encounters, meetings, international meetings, staging of exhibitions and live shows; the individual initiatives may be of an international, national and local nature, and may be organised in the country with reference to specific areas or to particular situations;
  • information initiatives through the press, cinema, TV and radio;
  • productions and publications of documents, books, films, radio and TV programmes and everything else that might be useful for a more in-depth knowledge of the purposes or particular themes related thereto;
  • purchase, building or lease of property on a stable basis for direct use by the Foundation or, also on a provisional basis, for use by institutes or for single initiatives related to the achievement of the purposes;
  • trips in Italy and abroad to visit places, to look for documents, to acquire information, including in order to meet individuals or groups of people;
  • establishment and maintaining of relations with Governments and their diplomatic representatives, with public or private Institutes, both Italian and foreign, in Italy and abroad;
  • establishment of representative bodies of the Foundation in Italy and abroad;
  • every other initiative, including financial or participation in Italian and foreign companies and institutes synergic with and useful for the Foundation’s purpose.

Article 4
Total Assets of the Foundation

The total assets of the Foundation, as indicated in the deed of incorporation, may be increased as a result of acquisitions, donations, inheritances or legacies, in compliance with applicable legal provisions.
The Foundation may receive contributions from all those who share its purposes, while always remaining its independence in any manifestation whatsoever of its activities.
Assets may be increased by the results of commercial initiatives which the Foundation may instrumentally implement in order to achieve its purposes.
The reserves and any remaining amounts may under no circumstances be allotted, either directly or indirectly, to the members, either during the life of the Foundation or at the time of its dissolution.

Article 5
Financial period and financial statements

The financial period shall go from 1 January to 31 December of each year.
At the end of each year, the directors shall draw up the final statement of accounts and the budget of the Foundation, being careful to follow orderly accountancy rules.


Article 7
Foundation Bodies

The following are bodies of the Foundation :

  1. the members’ Meeting;
  2. the Chairperson of the Foundation;
  3. the Board of Directors;
  4. the Board of Auditors;
  5. the Director.

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