Re-opening to the world in a safe and sustainable way

Alberto Cirio, President of Piedmont; Attilio Fontana, President of Lombardy; Maurizio Fugatti, President of the Autonomous Province of Trento; Massimo Garavaglia, Minister of Tourism; Nello Musumeci, President of Sicily; Donatella Tesei, President of Umbria Region. Introduced by Gianluca Giansante, Parner Comin & Partners, Professor Luiss Guido Carli. Moderated by Roberto Inciocchi, Journalist of SkyTg24.

Italy’s extraordinary artistic, cultural and historical wealth makes it the Bel Paese that the whole world knows. After a long period of forced lockdown, the borders are now reopening and with them the opportunity to come back to appreciate – for tourism and business purposes – the beauties of Italy. But what has changed with the pandemic? What are the prospects for the development of domestic and international tourism? In what way does the ‘reopening’ also represent a possibility for growth, with a greater awareness of the incredible richness that we have?
The pandemic period has certainly overturned the paradigms of mobility, safety and sustainability. Where are we going exactly?


21 Agosto 2021






Auditorium Intesa Sanpaolo D1
