Bayan Ko
‘”Bayan KO” means “my country”, and is the title of a Philippine anti–colonialist song written in 1928: a longe suppressed cry of liberty. Adopted as the symbol of the student movement in the “sixties”, and later outla-wed by the martial laws of 1972, the song became, in 1983, the year in which Benigno Aguino was assassinated, the popular song of defian-ce and hope. The exhibition which bears the name of this song expresses the need to document, using photographs taken by eye-witnesses, the events which led to the Philippine uprising of 1985 and 1986, and represents something new with respect to that which appeared in the weeklies of the world that followed these happenings. Amongst the photographers whose work is exhibited, special mention must be made of Philippine Willy Vicoy, who was killed in April of 1986 during a battle between government troops and guerrillas. A photogra-pher with exceptional professional and human qualities, his memory is esteemed by his countrymen, who remember his integrity, simplicity and courage, and it is evident that his photographs are unrivalled in the telling of the story of the nation and of the long wait of the Philippi-ne people.’