Stanghellini Giovanni

Giovanni Stanghellini, Ph.D. in Medicine and PhD in Honorary Philosophy, Specialist in Psychiatry, Professor of Dynamic Psychology at the “G. d’Annunzio” University of Chieti and Professor Adjuncto at the Univesidad “Diego Portales” in Santiago de Chile.
President of the Philosophy and the Humanities (World Psychiatric Association) and founding president of the Philosophy and Psychiatry (European Psychiatric Association), co-editor of the International Perspectives for Philosophy and Psychiatry (Oxford University Press). Founder and president of the Phenomenological-Dynamic Psychotherapy School in Florence.

He is author of about 200 international publications on the experiential dimension of mental disorders and the philosophical foundations of the mental health clinic.

Among his main books:

Mr. Stanghellini, We are a dialogue. Cortina, Milan, 2017.
G. Stanghellini, M. Aragona, (eds.) An experiential approach to psychopathology. What it is like to suffer from mental disorders. Springer, Heidelberg, 2016.

Mr. Stanghellini, Lost in dialogue. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2016.
KWM Fulford, M. Davies, G. Graham, R. Gipps, J.Z. Sadler, G. Stanghellini, T. Thornton (Eds.) Oxford Handbook of Philosophy and Psychiatry. Oxford University Press, Oxford / New York, 2013.

G. Stanghellini, T. Fuchs (eds.), One Century of Karl Jaspers’ General Psychopathology. Oxford University Press, Oxford / New York, 2013.
G. Stanghellini, R. Rosfort, Emotions and Personhood. Oxford University Press, Oxford / New York, 2013.

C. Muscelli, G. Stanghellini, Immediacy. Culture and psychopathology of contemporary temporality. Angeli, Milano, 2012.

G. Stanghellini, M. Rossi Monti, Psychology of pathological disease. A phenomenological-dynamic perspective, Cortina, Milan 2009

G. Stanghellini, Psychopathology of Common sense, Cortina, Milan, 2008

M. Rossi Monti, G. Stanghellini, Psychopathology of Schizophrenia, Cortina, Milan, 1999

G. Stanghellini, Anthropology of Vulnerability, Feltrinelli, Milan, 1997

Ultimo aggiornamento: 14 Agosto 0