Mazzarella Eugenio

Eugenio Mazzarella (Naples, 1951) is an Italian philosopher. He is a full professor of Philosophy at the University “Federico II” in Naples and was the dean for the Faculty of Letters and a Deputy for the XVI Legislature. He is among the main actors in the international landscape on Heidegger and Nietzsche, to which he dedicated his studies that have become a point of reference, and which resulted in an autonomous reflection on technique and anthropology, which in “Vie d’uscita. L’identità umana come programma stazionario metafisico”(il melangolo, 2004) he found his peculiar formulization in the proof of an ethics of measure as the key of the technical act. In this sense move also his reflections on bioethics, politics, and virtue (Sacralità e vita, Guida 1998, Vita politica valori, Guida 2010). Three of his collected poems, which earned him the appreciated of critics (Ernesto Grassi, Gianfranco Ravasi, Daniele Del Giudice) and many recognitions: Il singolare tenace (I Quaderni del Battello Ebbro, 1993); Un mondo ordinate (Palomar, 1999); Opera media (Il melangolo, 2004).

Ultimo aggiornamento: 14 Agosto 0