Estévez Sumito

Sumito Estévez is a physicist graduated from the University of Los Andes. President of the Fogones y Bandera Foundation, he is a Venezuelan cook with 28 years of experience. Writer, speaker, teacher, television program leader, speaker and successful entrepreneur. The kitchen has been the space of personal and professional development, from where it has formed several generations of new officiants and has allowed to empower men and women who undertake in the gastronomic world.
His work is mainstreamed by non-negotiable ethical principles that make him a cook who is a believer in the kitchen as an office, who promotes and relies on documentation as a way of bequeathing knowledge for future time, an officiant who is always asking ethical questions and questions whether his It cooks someone ill or harms the planet, that is linked and works for the community where they decided to live and that fundamentally believes in the cultural identity of their country and therefore identifies, defends and promotes them nationally and internationally. His desire to promote and strengthen Venezuelan cuisine led him to create in 2008, together with other chefs of his generation, the Venezuela Gastronomic Association, of which he was the founding director. Currently integrates the directive of Margarita Gastronómica. He has received numerous recognitions and decorations and has represented Venezuela in congresses, festivals and workshops in various countries around the world. Winner of the Grand Prize Gold Holder 2012, maximum award that can be aspired by a Venezuelan cook, awarded by the Venezuelan Academy of Gastronomy”.

Ultimo aggiornamento: 14 Agosto 0