Padiglione D3
OPENING HOURS 10,30 – 23,00

Sunday 19th 3:30pm: BUBBLE BUBBLES Art Lab, we learn how to make bubbles with Cristian Paglia.
Monday 20th 11:30am: LET'S PLAY TOGETHER.
Monday 20th 3:30pm: CREATIVE MOVEMENT LABORATORY with the dance teacher Monica Pollini.
Tuesday 21st 11:30am: GROUP DANCE with Greta Battelli e Linda Brighi, educators from Pellicano Primary School.
Tuesday 21st 3:30pm: CREATIVE MOVEMENT LABORATORY with the dance teacher Monica Pollini.
Wednesday 22nd 11.30am: LET'S PLAY TOGETHER.
Wednesday 22nd 3:30pm: GROUP DANCE with Greta Battelli e Linda Brighi, educators from Pellicano Primary School.
Thursday 23rd 11:30am: GROUP DANCE with Greta Battelli e Linda Brighi, educators from Pellicano Primary School.
Thursday 23rd 3:30pm: THEATER LABORATORY.
Friday 24th 11:30am: GROUP DANCE with Greta Battelli e Linda Brighi, educators from Pellicano Primary School.
Friday 24th 3:30pm: BUBBLE BUBBLES Art Lab, we learn how to make bubbles with Cristian Paglia.
Saturday 25th 11:30am: LET'S PLAY TOGETHER.
Saturday 25th 3:30pm: CREATIVE MOVEMENT LABORATORY with the dance teacher Monica Pollini.
Sunday 19th: Discovering new planets
From the Exoplanets Exhibition, curated by Euresis association and Camplus, astrophysicists Anna Miotello and Carlo Manara will show us that there are many stars, and not only the sun, around which planets orbit. How many are there, and what are their characteristics? Will we ever reach them? What makes our Earth so special and how different it is from the new planets discovered?
An exciting adventure to discover new worlds through images, scientific data and interactive communications (recommended age: from 8 years).
Monday 20th: Tokalon Mathematics presents: Mathematics for all
An opportunity to experiment a different way of reasoning and "doing" mathematics. Observe, imagine, play, search, choose, guess, feel, touch, tell, discover, search, try, compare, solve, make mistakes, talk ... math is all this and more!
They will show us how ALL of us can be brought to this discipline: Luigi Regoliosi, president of Tokalon Association and head of scientific Tokalon Mathematics, Maria Cristina Migliucci and Daniele Scopetti (recommended age: from 9 years).
Tuesday 21st: Looking for voices that come from under the earth...
How do archaeologists discover time, meaning and original use of the finds found? This is explained by the archaeologists Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly Buccellati, introduced by the archaeologist Genny Campedelli (recommended age: from 6 years).
Wednesday 22nd: The glass eye
Meeting with the young Argentinian writer Veronica Cantero Burroni, author of "Il ladro di ombre" (recommended age: from 9 years).
Thursday 23rd: Meeting with the CRescendo
A very young ensemble composed of forty children (ages from 14 to 21) who built their friendship around their passion for music. The group, composed mainly of wind instruments, was formed around Giovanni Grandi, musician and teacher, who welcomed his tudents ambitions to create a place where they "play their friendship freely"... their adventure between storytelling and music.
Friday 24th: The Cultural Association La Pergamena presents: Il Regno del Colore - The Original Fairytale
By Morena Canali, Maria Teresa Gardelli, Paola Mazza and Cristina Signifredi, illustrations by Monica Tartarotti. The authors, in spectacular theatrical clothes, will read stories on musical themes and involving the spectators (recommended age: from 5 years).
Saturday 25th: Meeting with FinalMente Science, THE MAGIC OF SCIENCE - INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE
Stefano and Alessio introduce themselves and will amaze you with scientific experiments that look like spells! Through the story of their experiences you will discover how science can become fun and educational at the same time (recommended age: from 6 years).
Sunday 19th: The Lele Marini Filodrammatica, Artistic and Cultural Association, presents the show: L'omino della sabbia, with Liana Mussoni, Mara Dell'Aquila, Renato Carafa. Set designs by Luciano De Paoli. Directed by Liana Mussoni.
Monday 20th: Teatro Perdavvero presents the show: Bremen musicians, with Marco Cantori and Giacomo Fantoni (guitar). A show with live music and songs.
Tuesday 21st: Fareteatroascuola presents the show: La pecora arrabbiata (freely taken from the homonymous text by Giampiero Pizzol) with Marta Martinelli and Pietro Grava, directed by Carlo Maria Rossi.
Wednesday 22nd: FinalMente Science presents: Little Red Riding Hood and scientific experiments, interactive scientific show for children ages 6 to 99 years. A reworking of the classic story, with an engaging series of experiments in chemistry, physics and optical illusions. Will our scientists be able to free Little Red Riding Hood and the grandmother from the wolf's belly?
Thursday 23rd: The Carrozzone degli Artisti presents the traveling theatrical show Express a desire, for an integrated theater staged by actors with and without disabilities, led by Alberto Ghisoni, actor, dramatist, director and educator. "A gypsy made above all of dreams and stars"
Friday 24th: Grammaticanto: at school singing with Maestro Villa and Mariella Chieco.
Saturday 25th: Final party of the Meeting at the Piscine Est.
The Exhibition
The Sailing Ship of Narnia, inspired by one of the seven books of the Chronicles of Narnia by C. S. Lewis. The exhibition tells the journey to discover the purpose of their lives, of all the protagonists of the story, through the adventures of their company of friends. Within the story we will see the growth of each character in relationship with Aslan, the lion, and it will be the latter to combine the experience of all. As it turns out, the personal path is interdependent with everyone's path, because everyone's way is relationship with the world.
On reservation (also ON LINE): guided tours every day from 11.00am (every 20 minutes).
The exhibition-show
Light, cross, voice and ... walnut - The adventurous life of St. Anthony of Padua - by Father Marco Finco.
With Father Marco Finco, Pietro Grava and the collaboration of students of the Catholic University of Milan.
The life of Saint Anthony makes raises a big question: what does man really need? The journeys of his life clarify the fact that man, even in absolute good will, is not able to answer this great question on his own. To really move one's own history, and consequently the history of the whole world, one must let himself be helped by others. The route of the exhibition-show is intended to make known the history of this great saint, highlighting the starting point of the same Antonio (then Fernando): "What is happiness?". The visitors, accompanied through eight small places, will meet Antonio's human and Christian experience.
On reservation at the entrance exhibition desk.
guided tours every day from 11.00am (every 30 minutes).
Shows: 12.00am, 4.30pm and 7pm.
The Marionette Theater
In collaboration with Cristian Paglia from La Compagnia della Pera Cocomerina Animazioni
Playing space and short shows with many stories, dedicated to children from 3 to 6 years.
Every day shows at 11.00am - 12.30am - 4.30pm (followed by Marionette Laboratory) - 7pm.
Laboratory Area
1) Journalism workshop - (from 9 to 14 years)
Drafting children - Daily Meeting
As in a real journalistic editorial board, there will be the opportunity to experience this fascinating profession alongside real journalists.
There are 4 teams:
- Team interviews: for those who can ask questions that nobody dares
- Photojournalist team: for those who have the eye as a true photographer
- Editors team: for those who love to write
- News hunters team: for those who have the news in their blood
The children will hold an editorial meeting in the morning where they will decide on which meetings and news to focus on. They will impose the newspaper and the tasks of the day and in the middle of the afternoon they will build their own newspaper. The workshop activity includes both activities.
Every day with iscription, from 11.30am to 5.00pm, making a newspaper with the material collected and produced by the children.
2) The island of board games - Asmodee Editore - (from 5 years)
With the experts Francesco Socci and Andrea Montagnoli, play with us with: Ticket to Ride, Dixit, Cortex Kids, Jungle Safari, Dobble and many others. Games suitable for the whole family, perfect for generating a real "meeting" among the players.
Every day, by reservation, from 10.30am to 1.30pm and from 3.00pm to 8.30pm.
3) Finally Science - with Stefano Rossi and Alessio Meneghelli
Creation and launch of "RAZZI" - with notions on the bike, on the pressure and on the air, to follow the workshop where the children will color a sheet that will become a paper rocket and will then be launched through a launch site .
Monday 20th and Thursday 23rd, by reservation, at 3.30pm and 5.00pm.
4) Cut, glue, draw and color... (from 4 years)
Creative manual workshops, children can choose which souvenirs to take home. Cut out, glue, color and personalize small objects or bookmarks with scissors, glue, markers, pencils and pastels.
Every day, with reservation from 10.30am to 1.00pm.
5) The art that moves - Nunzia Branchina (from 6 years)
When we think of paintings and sculptures, we imagine immobile figures and blocked actions. Everything is still and nothing can move. Or maybe not? We will know artists who will teach us to draw figures and objects moving on the sheet, to create sculptures that move in the wind and to paint without having to stand still on the chair.
Sunday 19th: The dynamism of action in the futuristic paintings by Giacomo Balla. To learn from the Futurists how to draw figures that "move" within a painting.
Tuesday 21st: Circus animals with Alexander Calder's thread. To create three-dimensional animals with wire.
Wednesday 22nd: Mobiles, the moving paintings of Alexander Calder. By assembling different objects we build sculptures that move lightly in the air.
Friday 24th: Optical illusion in the works of Op Art. To learn how to draw shapes and signs that deceive the view.
Saturday 25: The freedom of the gesture in the dripping of Pollock. With tempera and brushes to learn the technique of "dripping".
On the days indicated, by appointment, at 4.30pm and 6.30pm.
6) Kodaly Music Laboratory, a new educational and entertaining musical instrument.
With Kodaly playing is a simple geometry game. Come and discover what is hidden in a cylinder ... in a cube ... in a sphere! Each form is an infinite possibility. If you think you cannot play, you just have to find out that you can do it intuitively and immediately.
Kodaly is a real tool that brings you closer to the music.
Every day, admission to groups of 5 children every 15 minutes from 10.30am to 1.30pm and from 3.00pm to 8.00pm.
Morning 11.30am
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday the Lady of the summer tells many stories
Thursday, Friday and Saturday THE STORIES OF MIRO (THE NARR'ATTORE) in collaboration with Teleradiopace from Chiavari
Afternoon 3.00pm
Animated readings for children from preschools and primary schools
Sunday 19th: Aunt Dorothy by Luigi Ballerini, Giunti Junior Editore - the author will be present
Monday 20th: The bear and the plan by David Litchfield - Zoolibri Editore
Tuesday 21st: What poetry do you tell me? by Roberto Piumini - Einaudi Ragazzi Editore
Wednesday 22nd: The bestiolini of Gek Tessaro, Franco Cosimo Panini Editore
Thursday 23rd: The Snow Queen of Stefano Bordiglioni, Edizioni EL
Friday 24th: Elia the walker of Guia Risari and Giulia Rossi, San Paolo Edizioni
Saturday 25th: Do you know how to whistle Johanna? by Ulf Stark, Hyperborea Editore
Every evening at 10.15pm the Capo Banda tells bed time stories.
Baby Area
For babies from 1 to 3 years a play area for them with many games under the sight of their parents.
The Papperia area is a place equipped with all the comforts and an environment reserved for the mother and her child.
Anffas Sibillini, with qualified staff and volunteers, offers children and young people with disabilities and their families a support service, according to availability on site and by reservation, to participate in some activities of the day.
By reservation - email: info@anffassibillini.org - mobile phone: 366 1971734