Vato Alessandro

Alessandro Vato, bioengineer and researcher, works for the development of brain-machine interfaces capable of interpreting the cerebral signals to control the movement of artificial devices.
After graduating in Electronic Engineering from the University of Genoa, in 2004 he obtained a PhD in Bioengineering and Bioelectronics with his thesis entitled Connecting neurons to artificial devices: a new tool for investigating the neural code.
In 2005 he moved the Chicago as a postdoctoral fellow at Northwestern University for a project financed by the US National Institutes of Health for the development of bidirectional brain-machine interfaces.
In 2008 he returned to Italy to take a position at the Brain Machine Interface Lab at the Italian Institute of technology (IIT) in Genoa producing numerous scientific works on the argument and establishing many international collaborations.
From 2009 to 2013 he taught the Bioengineering course “Neuroelectric Devices and Brain-Machine Interfaces” at the University of Genoa. Since 2014 he has directed the laboratory of Neural Computer Interaction presso il Neural Computation Laboratory dell’Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia – IIT di Rovereto.
In 2015 he published, through Hoepli in the popular scientific series “Microscopes,” a book on the themes of his research entitled Arrivano i Cyborg: dove neuroscienze e bioingegneria si incontrano (The Cyborgs arrive: where neuroscience and bioengineering meet).

Ultimo aggiornamento: 14 Agosto 0