Gramiccia Paolo

He is married to Laura and has five children, was born in Rome, 51 years ago, he lives in Cave in the Province of Rome.
He graduated in Agricultural Science in Perugia and then received his Ph.D. in sustainable rural development.
After graduation he started working in Coldiretti Lazio in the 1990s, then, after directing the Compagnia delle opere (CDO) of Rome and Lazio, has worked since 2000 in the Lazio Region, with different leadership roles in protected natural areas of the Region.
For four years he has been director of the agricultural office of Rome.
Since 2014 he has been director of the Regional Natural Park of the Monti Simbruini, the largest park of Lazio with its 30,000 hectares. He has always worked in agriculture and the environment and the multifunctional role of rural businesses.
In 1999 he founded, along with other friends, where he was a volunteer, the agricultural cooperative “La Sonnina”, which deals with social agriculture, in particular the labor social reintegration of people with discomfort. The cooperative that leads and works about 50 hectares of land, with organic methods, including Genazzano, Valmontone and Grottaferrata in Rome Province operates in hospitality and in the recovery of psychic disadvantaged, work integration of ex-prisoners and political refugees.
The cooperative is visited annually by more than 5,000 children from local schools to conduct educational farm workshops. Among the activities of the cooperative there is one of the persons received vocational training, which are specialized and trained in the food industry, in the meantime, we’re experiencing the horticultural therapy as an innovative method for the treatment of the mentally ill.

Ultimo aggiornamento: 14 Agosto 0