Geraci Salvatore

Salvatore Geraci, born in 1957, graduated in Medicine and Surgery, since 1986 has been involved in the health care clinic for immigrants of Caritas in Rome and since 1991 has been responsible for the Caritas Health Care Area in Rome. Since 1991 he has been Director of the Migration Medicine Course at the High School of Biomedical Sciences, F. Rielo, at the XXVI edition. From 2000 to 2009 he was Chairman of the Italian Society of Migration Medicine, currently coordinating Territorial Units (GrIS). He periodically collaborates with the Ministry of Health and has participated in various Committees on issues related to health and immigration with particular reference to regulatory and organizational aspects. He is currently part of the Lazio Region Working Group on Immigrant Health and coordinates, on behalf of Caritas Italiana, the National Health Coordination Group for Migration. Always with Caritas Italiana he started a reflection on “Poverty and Health” which at the time involved about 30 Dioceses. Lecturer at the Immigration Master at Cà Foscari University in Venice, collaborates with the Universities of Florence, Modena-Reggio Emilia and Rome; he has been a consultant to various Health and Social Organizations on issues of immigration and social exclusion. He is the author of some essays and over 450 publications on immigration health issues.

Ultimo aggiornamento: 14 Agosto 0