Candiard Adrien

Adrien Candiard (Paris, 1982), after dedicating himself to politics, joined the Dominicans in 2006. Today he resides in Cairo, where he is a member of the Institut dominicain d’études orientales (Ideo) and prior of the convent of his order. He deals with Islam and has written several essays on spirituality. Thanks to the book A Philémon: Réflexions sur la liberté chrétienne, he won the Prix de la liberté intérieure. In 2017 he received the Prix des libraires religieux for the volume Veilleur, où en est la nuit?, published by Emi with the title La speranza non è ottimismo. Recently published:
En finir avec la tolérance? Différences religieuses et rêve andalou (2022)
Quelques mots avant l’Apocalypse – Lire l’Évangile en temps de crise (2023)