Brancaccio Stefania

UCID National Vice President
Dr. Stefania Brancaccio, Vice President of COELMO SpA. A manufacturer of Industrial and Marine Generating Sets.
With four plants in Campania, representative offices in Europe and the Middle East, and distributors in major countries around the world, COELMO has a production that exceeds two thousand units annually.
Named a Cavaliere del Lavoro in 2009 by then President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano. Member of the Banca d’Italia Regency Council at the Bank of Italy Naples office.
Appointed by Ministerial Decree of the Minister of Labor and Social Policies Member of the Committee of Experts for the Definition of Guidelines and Interventions for the Promotion of Social Enterprise and the Strengthening of the Social and Solidarity Economy.
Former Member of the Women’s Council of the Pontifical Council for Culture chaired by His Eminence Cardinal Ravasi.
Member of the General Council Federmeccanica Roma. President of the Women’s Entrepreneurship Committee CCIAA Naples.
President of UCID (Unione Cristiana Imprenditori Dirigenti) Regional Group and National Vice President.
Member Steering Committee Luiss Business School Project Grow – Generating Real Opportunities For Women.
Member Central Council Fond. of Tonioliani Studies Naples.
Member of the Board of Directors of “Fondazione In Nome della Vita O.n.l.u.s.,” “Casa di Tonia,” Archiepiscopal Curia of Naples.
President Rotary North Naples.
President Association of Friends of the San Carlo Napoli.