Bellandi Andrea

Monsignor Andrea BELLANDI was born in Florence on 22 October 1960.
In 1979 he entered the Florentine Archbishop’s Seminary for studies in preparation for the priesthood. As a student of the Pontifical Lombard Seminary in Rome, he graduated in Theology at the Pontificia Università Gregoriana, with a thesis on the works of Joseph Ratzinger (1993).
He was ordained a priest on 4 April 1985 for the diocese of Florence, where he is incardinated and habitually resides.
Most significant pastoral tasks carried out by him:
2003-2009 Dean of the Theological Faculty of Central Italy.
Since 1987 Professor of Fundamental Theology in the Studio Teologico Fiorentino.
Since 1990 Spiritual assistant to university students
From 1990-1997 Chaplain of the “Suore Montalve alla Quiete”.
Since 1996 parish priest of the parish of S. Giovannino dei Cavalieri in Florence.
Since 2010 Canon of the Florentine Metropolitan.
Since 2010 Archbishop’s Delegate for the formation of the Clergy.
Since 2014 Vicar General, Rector of the Church of S. Giovannino dei Cavalieri.
Since 2015 Vice President of the Florentine School for education in international and intercultural dialogue.
He is a member of the Presbyteral Council, of the Diocesan Pastoral Council, and of the Diocesan Council for social communications. For some years he was regional manager and member of the national council of the Communion and Liberation Movement. He is also the author of several publications.
On 4 May 2019 he was elected by Pope Francis as Archbishop of Salerno Diocese .
On 6 July 2019 he was ordained bishop for the consecratory prayer and the imposition of hands of H.E. Cardinal Giuseppe Betori who associated with himself H.E. Cardinal Crescenzio Sepe and H.E. Monsignor Filippo Santoro. Other 45 bishops and about 300 priests were present.