Belenkin Boris

Boris Belenkin, born in 1953 in Moscow, is the director of the “Memorial” Library since its foundation in 1990. Author of more than 30 biography of samizdat, destalinization, left opposition history, including books «Авантюристы Великой смуты» (Moscow, 2000); «Пасынки революции» (Moscow, 2005); editor with E.Strukovoy and G.Superfinom of the almanac “Acta Samizdatica / Samizdat Notes” (4 issues), author of various bibliographies on the history of political repression in the USSR and collections of documents on Russia’s recent history. Writer of about 20 screenplays documentaries about characters from the revolution and civil war, as well as the Russian culture of the 19th and 20th centuries.

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