Architecture and peoples of western Europe


‘The exhibition ‘Architecture and Peoples of Western Europe’ is about the history of human settlement in Western Europe and deals, in particular, with displacement, different forms of settlement and house structure. The most important area for continuity of development ranges from the North of the Iberian Peninsula, the Pyrenees and Central-Western France to the Western and Central Alps, the north-western Apennine, the Montefeltro and Lunigiana regions, Tuscany and Corsica. The resulting picture is complex, and highlights the persistence of a European folk civilisation from the Middle Ages to our own days, an alternative culture just as real as the one usually emerging from the official history of Europe. To bring this history back into focus means to rediscover some of our forgotten roots, on which it is still possible to build.’


21 Agosto 1983 - 28 Agosto 1983


Exhibitions Meeting Exhibitions