A community on the outskirts: the “villera” Church in Buenos Aires
Curated by Carlos Olivero, Ingrid Elizabeth Amarilla Machoqui , Marcelo Alfredo Benitez, Sandra Daniela Benitez, Victor Manuel Benitez Guerreño, Deisy Mabel Benitez Martinez, Enzo Gabriel Britez, Fidencio Gonzalez Gimenez, Martha Isabel Helman Cabrera, Je
Those who travel to Buenos Aires often visit the obelisk, the Plaza de Mayo, the Recoleta, and the historic monuments. With this exhibition, we want to make apparent what is hidden from the eyes of the tourists and also of many local inhabitants: the marginal reality of the “villas” (the slums) of the city. Large conurbations of humans living in extreme necessity, often times without electricity or running water, with little access to food, education, and sanitation. These districts, historically abandoned by the government, are considered to be the cause of all the insecurities of the society. Stigmatized, life takes place on the sidelines. In reality, what are these districts like? Does one truly live this drastically? We will show the lights and the shadows of these poor districts of immigrants who arrived in Buenos Aires in search of a better life. We will also present the work of the Church in these neighborhoods, and the decision made by the then cardinal Bergoglio for these districts.