Press Meeting

Meeting inaugural show: a christian literature’s classic

“The Human Person: a State of Emergency” is the title for Meeting for Friendship Among People XXXIV Edition. A choice which reflects the spirit of Augustin’s work and its disarming newness: a humanity strongly emerging not only as the danger of a loss of the self, but also as something which surfaces and defines the crucial heart of the matter of human condition.
Starting from this point, shows manager Otello Cenci has chosen to represent “Augustin’s Confessions” as the inaugural event this evening at 9.45 p.m. in Auditorium D5. A man hears someone calling his name – he looks above towards the voice; hesitating, he asks if it’s him who is addressed. Confessions introduce a new conception of the “I”: an “I” conceiving himself as an answer to a calling “you”.
The performer is Sandro Lombardi, one of the most important italian player. He gets to Augustin’s words in the light of a bright multi-year performance of the classics and thanks also to the experience in the new avantgarde and the unforgettable Testori’s plays. The show is by Costantino Esposito, direction by Otello Cenci, drama by Fabrizio Sinisi. Musicians Massimo Marches and Gionata Costa, voices of Brunella Boschetti, Alberto Morigi, Folco Orselli, with the participation of SwinGeneris, accompany the text.
“Here Augustin dialogues with God”, Lombardi underlines. “What impressed me is how he came to this level of introspection, of extreme modernity. Confessions are a masterpiece which is the fruit of an attentive auscultating of our heart. Augustin works on his own “I” and on memory. No one compares to him till the great french writers, Chateubriand, Proust…”
In the opinion of the autor of the drama, Fabrizio Sinisi, the choice to build this path within the unrest and the quest for the self as a real show finds its crucial matter in the memory.
“Normally one refer to Augustin in reference to Petrarca’s letters, Luter, Jansen, as a memory, an introspection but here a different notion of memory is introduced: it is what happens in the instant when Augustin converts to the faith; memory is filled with retrospective meaning. Time becomes a mistery in which the meaning of memory grows.
