A job for everyone. Everyone to his task Within the crisis beyond the crisis


By Giorgio Vittadini and the Fondazione per la Sussidiariet‡, journalists Enrico Castelli and Gianluigi Da Rold and a group of economy students from the Bocconi and Cattolica Universities in Milano.
In cooperation with Tg1, Paolo Cevoli, Guido Clericetti, Club CdO Libera Impresa and Sentieri del Cinema.

We have all been touched by it but few understand what really happened. Suddenly everyone was talking about subprime mortgages, derivatives, hedge funds and it all seemed very far away, just like the world of finance usually is. Then the major American banks started going into crisis and, all told, also this could have been of little interest.
But after a while the Italian banks started releasing less and less credit, some companies had to close, unemployment increased.
What triggered all this?
How did it come to be that people engaged in manufacturing steel bars, chairs or footwear went into a deeper and deeper crisis and could not make it to the end of the month despite the high quality of their products? How could it be that the financial infrastructure, that fundamental support system for the real economy, turned into a disaster of tsunami proportions?
What happened when, during a process that had been going on or some time and for which this crisis is just the dramatic epilogue, the dynamics of the economic system abandoned all respect for the centrality of the individual?
The question which arises is whether an economy centred on man and for mankind should take into consideration not only desires, aspirations, creativity but also assign value to the need for and capability of creating connections and furthering the common good. Thus it is a different view of the work concept which must constitute a new central point of departure.
Several virtuous examples in this direction are already underway. The exhibition has the intention of bearing witness also to this.