The art of Mikkyo Buddhism


‘Mikkyo (esoteric Buddhism), the doctrine preached by the dharma-kaya of Mahavairocana, flourished in India during the VII and VIII centuries and subse-quently spread to China during the Tang dynasty, before reaching Japan from China in the IX century through Kukai, whose posthumous name is Kobo–Daishi. In seeking the truth of life, a large number of people has believed and believes in Mikkyo. The idea of Mikkyo differs greatly from Western philosophy: ‘every person is in himself Buddha and every being (not only plants and animals, but also mountains, rivers and even stones) are in themselves Buddha’. The idea is better understood by conside-ring the Mandala. The Mandala is a diagrammatic image representing the cosmic nature of the Buddam of the bodhisattva and other divinities. It is considered a symbol of the earth, the sun, the moon, the stars and the entire universe. People have always expres-sed these Buddhas of the Mandala in the shape of sculptures, paintings or Buddhist altar pieces (objects used when the faithful are praying). Marry are to be considered precious objects of religious art. The exhibition presents objects and photographs: Mandala, Buddhist altar pieces, portraits of Kobo-Daishi Kukai (founder of the Shingon Mikkyo who introduced the idea of Mandala to the Japanese people) and followers of the Mikkyo, other Mikkyo objects.’


22 Agosto 1992 - 29 Agosto 1992


Exhibitions Meeting Exhibitions