Sherlock Holmes


‘The adventures of Sherlock Hol-mes and his inseparable friend Doctor Watson, which began la-te in 1887 in ‘Beeton’s Christmas Annual’ and continued in 1891 in the weekly ‘Strand Ma-gazine’ accompanied by the il-lustrations of Sidney Paget, sha-re the world record of different language editions of copies sold, and of adaptations in every con-ceivable style and artistic me-dium with the immortal classics of human cultural endeavour, and even with the comics of Mickey Mouse. From July 1891 to December 1893, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle published 24 stories about the celebrated detective in the ‘Strand Magazine’, until, exhau-sted and exasperated, he killed the hero by pushing him into the waterfalls of Reichenbach in Switzerland. But extremely ad-vantageous financial offers and growing public demand caused him to resuscitate Holmes in Au-gust, 1901. The intriguing ad-ventures continued for another 26 years, until March 1927, a li-terary event without precedent. Holmes proved unwilling to so-journ for long within the confi-nes of the paper universe of books and magazines, and set out to conquer, one after the other, all other possible means of artistic propagation. He has been an actor and a radio star, but he found fame and fortune above all in the world of cinema. 93 silent films between 1903 and 1923 and 47 soundtrack films from 1929 till 1988 are the elementary proof of Holmes’s immortal popularity and of a success which has exceeded, in terms of sheer number, even his literary career. Meeting 89’s exhibition is divi-ded into three sections; the first, “The illustrated Sherlock Hol-mes”, includes 62 enlarged pho-tographs of the many illustra-tions which have been dedicated to the famous detective from his birth up until the 1950’s, and in-cludes reproductions of several of Sydney Paget’s classic drawings. The second section, “Sherlock Holmes, the cult, fashions and surroundings”, takes the obser-ver, by means of carefully docu-mented images, to Baker Street and to the other places which were linked to the exploits of our suave protagonist, and also shows some of the most dispa-rate oddities connected with Holmes’s mythical existence and the commemorative creati-veness showed by some of his followers. The last section, ‘Sherlock mo-vie media’, narrates, with 58 photographs and 36 posters, Holmes’s adventures, densely crowded with characters and drama, in the film world. The themes of each section are integrated and reinforced by a video film and by display of nu-merous objects which are in so-me way relevant to the life, ti-mes and name of Sherlock Holmes.’


20 Agosto 1989 - 27 Agosto 1989


Exhibitions Meeting Exhibitions