Toti Giovanni
Toti Giovanni

President of the Regional Government

He was born in Viareggio on September 7, 1968. He lives from 2001 in Bocca di Magra.
He completes course of studies at the faculty of Political Science at the University of Milan. He has been a chartered journalist in Lombardy since 1999 and he is married to journalist Syria Magri. In 1996 he signed the first stage contract with Mediaset for Studio Aperto. He later becomes head of department and editor-in-chief. In 2006 she started collaborating with Videonews.
For two years he is Deputy Director-General for the communication of Mediaset Spa.
In 2010 he became Director of Studio Aperto and later also of Tg4.
In April 2014, he was nominated for Forza Italia party in the European elections for the North West Italy district, gaining more than 148,000 preferences and thus becoming a member of the European Parliament.
On 31 May 2015 he was elected President of the Liguria Region.


ultimo aggiornamento: agosto 2019