Occhetta Francesco
Occhetta Francesco

Francesco Occhetta, Jesuit, is part of the editorial team of La Civiltà Cattolica magazine. After graduating from law, he obtained the license in moral theology in Madrid and the doctorate at Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome. He specializes in human rights at the University of Padua. He has completed his education in Santiago de Chile. He has been a correspondent since 2002 and has been a professional journalist since 2010 and is a spiritual advisor to the Italian Catholic Press Association (Ucsi). Among his publications: The roots of democracy. Principles of the Constitution in the Debate between Jesuits and Catholic Constituents (2012); The three thresholds of journalism: public service, deontology, profession (2015); La giustizia capovolta. Dal dolore alla riconciliazione (2016). Il lavoro promesso. Libero, creativo, partecipativo e solidale (2017). He is the author of the blog L’umano nella città.

ultimo aggiornamento: agosto 2019