Guareschi Fausto Taiten
Guareschi Fausto Taiten

Fausto Taiten Guareschi He was born in Fidenza (Parma) in 1949. A little more than a teenager undertook the practice and study of martial arts and especially of Jūdō, where he collected satisfactory results, first as an agonist – he is four times an Italian champion – and then as a teacher, 1973, always in Fidenza, at the Martial Arts High School Kyu Shin Dō Kai, of which he is today honorary president. Thanks to his teacher Jūdō, Cesare Barioli, who in the late 1960s met Taisen Deshimaru Rōshi, pioneer of the Zen European, he began Zen Sōtō Tradition. In 1982, first in Europe, he was confirmed in the 83rd generation of the apostolic succession, as the heir of Narita Shūyū Rōshi (Akita Prefecture, Japan).
In 1984, he founded the Temple and Monastery Fudenji, a center of spirituality and culture, a crossroads of dialogue and confrontation with contemporary religious and scientific culture.
Former President of the UBI – The Buddhist Union of the Italians – from 1990 to 1993, later worked as vice-president for the definition of the Interstate between U.B.I. And the Italian State, signed in spring 2000 and approved in 2013.
Since the end of 2004, Taiten Guareschi is Abate of the Fudenji Monastery.
He is currently Director and Professor of the Theological and Cognitive Seminar of Fudenji, in charge of teaching the Buddhist Doctrine through anthropology and aesthetic theology, with particular reference to the Brahmanic, Chinese and Japanese traditions.

Guareschi Taiten, Taisen Deshimaru Roshi’s Religious Thought, 21st Century Zen Master, Rimini: Ed. Il Cerchio, 1987.
Guareschi T., Wisdom of the East and the West – Acts of the International Conference “Buddhism and Christianity in Dialogue Against the Challenges of Science” (Salsomaggiore, 1997), 1999.
Various Authors Challenges of Asia – Comparative Educational Models, Rimini: Ed. Il Circolo, 2003.
Guareschi Taiten, Small World, Things out of the ordinary, Rimini: Ed. Il Circolo, 2005.
Guareschi Taiten, Made of Earth, Casadeilibri Editions, 2008. Second Edition January 2012
Guareschi Taiten, Made of Fog, Casadeilibri editions, 2013.
Guareschi Taiten, Made of Fire, Casadeilibri editions, 2015

ultimo aggiornamento: agosto 2019