Conte Maria Laura
Conte Maria Laura

Graduated in Humane Letters from University of Padua, earned her PhD in Sociology of the Communication and she is a professional journalist. After different experiences as journalist (radio, press, press officer, spokesperson), she became the editorial and communication director of the Oasis International Foundation (November 2011- August 2015).
Since September 2015 she has been the Communications Director for AVSI Foundation. She wrote the books Dove guarda l’Indonesia. Cristiani e musulmani nel paese del sorriso (Venezia 2006, that won the Capri-San Michele Award 2007) and Un giornalismo per uomini vivi (Padova 2014). She won the journalistic prize Basso 2004 and a special mention of the Vesce Prize for the information quality 2006-2007.

ultimo aggiornamento: agosto 2019