Pietrangeli Paluzzi Sabrina

Founder, president and director of the association onlus “La Quercia Millenaria” since 2005.
Writer: she published books for the If Press: “Il figlio terminale”, “La terapia dell’accoglienza” and an autobiographical novel entitled “Tornata a casa, storia di una ghianda divenuta Quercia Millenaria”, Youcanprint editions; she has also written for newspapers such as “L’Ottimista”; also she writes in the personal blog.
She published an regular paid article by Edizioni Paoline in the monthly journal “Famiglia Oggi” and an article on the specialized scientific magazine “Ginecorama”, entitled “Le nuove frontiere della terapia fetale”.
She obtained a Postgraduate Diploma in Bioethics at the Pontifical Athenaeum “Regina Apostolorum”.
And she is radio-speaker for a monthly program entitled “Rami fra cielo e terra” on Radio Mater broadcast every first Friday of the month at 5:35 pm.