Pierini Giangiacomo

Giangiacomo Pierini, Director of Corporate Affairs and Sustainability at Coca-Cola HBC Italia, has been coordinating institutional relations at local and national level, external and internal communication, territorial projects, initiatives and sustainability reporting since 2015. Pierini is also President of ASSOBIBE, the Confindustria association that represents the producers of soft drinks in Italy, Member of the General Council of Confindustria, Vice President of Federalimentare, Vice President for Human Capital and Youth Policies of Confindustria Verona, member of the Board of Directors and of the Food Group of Assolombarda with responsibility for the Mass Consumption supply chain, Expert Panel Member of the Technical Group of Investors and Foreign Investments of Confindustria (ABIE) and Member of the board of UNESDA – European Soft Drinks Industry Association.