Picariello Angelo

Angelo Picariello, married, with two children, lives in Rome. Born in Avellino, a city where he was elected twice as a city councilor at a young age, also serving as youth councilor, he graduated in law and began his career as a journalist in local broadcasting, following the events of the post-earthquake in Irpinia. He worked for Il Giornale del Popolo in Lugano, La Discussione, Sat 2000. After a long collaboration, since 2000 he has been working for Avvenire as a parliamentary editor and follows the news from the Quirinale. He is also a collaborator of the cultural section, for which he mainly follows the themes of political historiography and the events of reconciliation after the Years of Lead. He wrote, for Edizioni San Paolo, Capuozzo, piacere questo ragazzo, a biography of Giovanni Palatucci, the last Italian police commissioner of Fiume, who died in Dachau after saving thousands of Jews.